Edit a Housing Lease for a Student
You can use the Housing Lease page to edit a housing lease for a student.
You must have:
Common - Student - View authorization
Student Services - Housing Leases - Edit authorization
When you give a staff member Student Services - Housing Leases - View, Edit, or Delete authorization, Anthology Student also gives them Admissions – Processes – High School Tasks – View authorization if they have any other Admissions - Processes authorization so that they can view tasks for students associated to their housing.
Access Method
Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Services > select the Housing Leases tile.
Procedure to Edit Housing Lease
Select a record in the grid.
Review, specify, or change the following values.
In the Moving Out, review, specify, or change the following values.
If you have selected Start Date
in future (The lease start date is not the current date or a past date) and select the New button on the Tasks tab. Anthology Student displays Days Before Task dialog box.
In the dialog box, review, specify, or change the following value and select the Next button.
If you want to save and:
Continue making changes, select the Save button
Close, select the Save & Close button