Add Housing Related Deposits
You can use the Housing Deposits page to add housing-related payments made by a student (such as housing deposits and application fees).
You can use cashiering to post payments while multi-factor authentication is enabled in Azure configuration. When multi-factor authentication is enabled, instead of authenticating through the cashier login popup in Anthology Student, you will be presented with a Microsoft Entra (formerly called Azure Active Directory) Authentication popup to ensure that you have proper access and that you are a cashier.
You must have:
Common - Student - View authorization
Student Services - Housing Deposits - New authorization
Your institution must have configured Posting Deposits to Campus setting in the General page (Select the Settings tile > expand Student Accounts > select General). If the value is set to Any Campus, you can post deposits for a student to any campus. If the value is set to Current Campus, you can post deposits for a student to the current campus only.
The campus where you are posting the deposit must have configured:
Allow accounting (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Campuses> select the name of an existing campus on the list or select the New button, specify the required information and Save the campus > select the Student Accounts tile > selectthe General tab).
To process real-time credit card transactions through a payment gateway provider (PayPal, ACI or TouchNet), your institution must have configured online payment and required verification of credit cards for the campus (Select the Configuration tile > expand Student Accounts > select Electronic Processors.).
To enable TouchNet as an available payment gateway provider, your institution must have selected Yes for Enable Additional Payment Gateway Provider for electronic processing? when it configured advanced features in the system settings for Anthology Student. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Advanced Features.)
Access Method
Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Services > select the Housing Deposits tile.
Procedure to Add a Housing Deposit
Verify that the program version is correct. If not, select All Program Versions or the specific program version in the Program Version list.
Select the New button on the toolbar.
Review, specify, or change the following values.
In the Payment Type drop-down, if you selected:
ACH, specify the Authorization Number
and Student Bank Account
If you process ACH payments through TouchNet, you must make ACH deposits using a student bank account which is added through TouchNet’s uPay page. Only active bank accounts are available for selection. If PayPath services is enabled for the campus, you are redirected to PayPath service page to add a new credit card information.
If student bank accounts are added through ACI’s funding portal page, the bank accounts will be available in the Student Bank Account drop-down only if:
The bank account was added for one-time payment and no successful payment has been made against the bank account yet.
— OR —
The bank account was added for multiple payments
Anthology Student will submit the ACH deposit payment to ACI for processing. Anthology Student will not post the ACH deposit payment to the ledger card after the payment has been successfully processed (Approved). You will have to post the payments to the ledger card under Processes > Student Accounts > Post Deposits.
When the gateway provider is configured with transaction fee and the Transaction Fee Source is set to Student:
The final payment amount sent to the processor includes the transaction fee.
In addition to the payment being posted to the ledger card, two additional transactions are posted to represent the transaction fee: a charge with the fee amount using the Transaction Code associated with the fee and a corresponding payment which represents the fee being paid.
Check, Specify the Check Number
Credit Card, specify the Authorization Number
(if available)
The remaining actions you take depend on whether the student has an existing credit card and whether your institution is verifying using a payment gateway provider.
If your institution uses a payment gateway provider and has configured it so that the student absorbs the transaction fee, it is automatically added to the payment amount.
If your payment gateway provider is TouchNet, you have the option to enable TouchNet’s PayPath service which will allow you to charge students credit card transaction fees through TouchNet instead of configuring transaction fees in Anthology Student. For more details on how to enable TouchNet’s PayPath, refer to PayPath Service Fee Enabled (Select the Configuration tile > expand Student Accounts > select Electronic Processors.)
Status of Student Credit Card Institution is Verifying Using a Payment Gateway Provider Action to Take An active card is on their Payment Information page ( Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Accounts > select the Payment Information tile.) Yes 1. Select the Use Saved Card option.
2. Select the credit card from the drop-down list.
3. Select the Save & Close button on the toolbar.
No There is no active card on their Payment Information page Yes
1. Select the Use New Card option.
2. Select the Save & Close button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays the page for the payment gateway, so that you can specify the credit card details. Anthology Student displays the page for the payment gateway provider, so that you can specify the credit card details.
3. Complete the page.
4. Select the Save button. If the transaction is approved and you selected:
◦ Yes for Save New Card, Anthology Student adds the details for the credit card to the Payment Information page for the student.
◦ No for Save New Card, Anthology Student adds the details for the credit card to the Payment Information page for the student but saves the card details and flags it as inactive in the database so that it cannot be used for future transactions.
Note: The Save New Card drop-down is not available if your Payment Gateway Provider is ACI. Anthology Student automatically saves credit cards for one-time use or for future payments based on whether you have selected “Save this information for use with future payments” when adding the cards through ACI’s Funding Portal.
No 1. Select the Use New Card option. Anthology Student automatically selects Yes for Save New Card.
2. Select the Save & Close button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays the credit card dialog for Anthology Student
3. In the New Credit Card dialog box, specify the values.
4. Select the Save button. Anthology Student adds the details for the credit card to the Payment Information page for the student.
Anthology Student saves any authorization number that you specify or the payment gateway returns in the database.
Select the Save & Close button on the toolbar.
For credit card payments with ACI set as the payment gateway provider and ACI Transaction Fee enabled, a pop-up message displays the transaction amount, transaction fee, and total payment amount. Select Pay to confirm the payment.