Add or Edit Extended Properties

You can use the Extended Properties page to add or edit the custom properties that your institution chooses to include in the entities.

You must open an individual record to add or edit an extended property for each entity in following table.

Module or Category Entity Type Location
Academic Records Area of Study Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Area of Study > select the New button and specify the general information or select an existing area of study name in the list.

Select the Configuration tile > locate Academic Records > select Buildings.

Course Book

Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Courses.

Course Book List Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Courses.
Location Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Locations.
Program Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Programs.
Program Version Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Programs > select the name of the program in the list > select the New button and specify the general information or select an existing program version in the list.
Student Academic Status History Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Status History tile.
Student Course Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Student Courses tile.
Student Enrollment Period Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Enrollments tile.
Admissions College and College Courses Select the Configuration tile > expand Admissions > select Colleges.
High School Select the Configuration tile > expand Admissions > select High Schools.
Applicant Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Admissions > select the Student Applications tile.  
Student Previous Education Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Admissions > select the Previous Education tile.
Career Services Skill Select the Configuration tile > expand Career Services > select Skills.
Certification Select the Configuration tile > expand Career Services > select Certifications.
Contact Manager Student Agency Branch Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Agency Affiliations tile.
Student Groups Membership Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Group Memberships tile.
Document Type Select the Configuration tile > expand Contact Manager > select Documents.
Document Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Documents tile.
Financial Aid Student Award Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the Awarding tile > Awards tab.
Fund Source Select the Configuration tile > expand Financial Aid > select Fund Sources.
Student Accounts Student Ledger Card Transaction Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Accounts > select the Ledger Card tile.
Student Subsidiary Account Transaction Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Accounts > select the Subsidiary tile.
Student Bank Account Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Accounts > select the Payment Information tile.
Student Credit Card Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Accounts > select the Payment Information tile.
Transaction Code Select the Configuration tile > expand Student Accounts > select Transaction Codes.
System Campus Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Campuses.
Staff Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Staff.
Scheduling Class Section Select the Class Scheduling tile.
Student Services Student Indicators Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Services > select the Indicators tile.

For example, you can define an extended property for: 

  • Area of Study to gather and store an additional value in the database that is not already in Anthology Student

  • Programs to gather and store an additional value in the database that is not already in Anthology Student

The extended property that you specify here for the entities like Area of Study and Programs can be selected respectively when you configure:

  • Area of Study (Select the Configuration tile > locate Academic Records > select Areas of Study.)

  • Programs (Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Programs.)

You can also specify that the extended properties require authorization.


You must have System - Settings - Extended Properties - Manage authorization.

Access Method

Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Extended Properties.

Procedure to Add or Edit Items

  1. Select an Entity TypeClosed Select an entity for which you want to add and manage the extended property..

    Extended Proprties

  2. If you want to:

    • Add a new list item, select the New button on the toolbar

    • Add a new list item by copying and modifying an existing list item, select the row in the list and the Duplicate button on the toolbar

    • Edit an existing list item, type the name in the search box or locate the item in the list and select the name
  3. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    ActiveClosed Specifies whether the associated record is active.

    DecimalsClosed Specify the number of decimals. This field is enabled only when you have selected Numeric option in the Type field. The maximum is 4 and is included in the maximum you specified for Length. For example, if you want the maximum to 999.99, specify 5 for Length and 2 for Decimal.

    Help TextClosed Specify any additional information that you want to be display for the extended property when you move mouse over the extended property where it is displayed.

    LengthClosed Specify the maximum length of the value in the extended property. The data length of the string data type is limited to 256 characters. This field is enabled only when you have selected String or Numeric option in the Type field. It includes the number of decimal places you specify for Decimal. For example, if you want the maximum to 999.99, specify 5 for Length and 2 for Decimal.

    NameClosed The descriptive name of the item.

    Requires AuthorizationClosed Indicates whether or not the extended property requires authorization. If you select Yes, the Property Security grid is enabled.

    TypeClosed Indicates or describes the nature of the extended property. Based on the option selected, the fields like Length, Decimal and Type Validation are enabled. The options are: - String - Numeric - Date - Boolean.

    Type ValidationClosed Specifies the values or type of validation. This field is enabled only when you select String, Numeric or Date option in the Type field. The options are: - None: Select this option if you want the extended property to be without values or validation. - Multi Select List: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain one or more values selected from a list. - Value List: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain a single value selected from a list. - Range: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain a value in a specific range. This option is only visible, if you have selected Numeric or Date option in the Type field.

  1. Take the action appropriate for the value you selected for Type ValidationClosed Specifies the values or type of validation. This field is enabled only when you select String, Numeric or Date option in the Type field. The options are: - None: Select this option if you want the extended property to be without values or validation. - Multi Select List: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain one or more values selected from a list. - Value List: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain a single value selected from a list. - Range: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain a value in a specific range. This option is only visible, if you have selected Numeric or Date option in the Type field..

    Value You Selected Action to Take

    Multi Select List or Value List

    You must specify the values in the order you want them to be displayed in the list for the extended property.

    1.  If you want to: 

    • Add a new value, select the Add button

    • Edit a value, select the record in the list

    2.  Specify the value in the Value cell.

    If you need to remove a value, select the record in the list and select the Remove button.


    No action required.


    1.  Specify the range in the From and To fields.

  1. If you selected Yes in the Requires Authorization field, specify or change the values in the grid under Property Security. Anthology Student displays a list of the groups your institution configured in the Anthology Student Security Console.

Select the: 

  • View check box to make the field read-only for the group

  • Edit check box to make the field editable for the group

  1. If you want to see how your additions and changes will look on the extended properties section, select the Save button and then select the Preview button.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Continue to add another item to the list, select the Save & New button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

  1. If you selected Yes in the Requires Authorization field and you want to make the extended properties available to staff members, you must: 

    • First clear the server cache. For information about clearing the cache, see Clear the Server Cache.

    • Then, request that the staff members log off and log in again to see the extended properties.

Implications of Editing Specific Extended Property on the Page

There are implications in editing some of the values on the page. For example, changing the value for Type from Date to Numeric. When you select a field to edit it, Anthology Student displays a message showing the number of records where a value is specified. Anthology Student tries to convert the data to the new type. If the data cannot be converted, Anthology Student displays a message, and you can choose to continue or cancel.

If needed, you can cancel and use the Field Usage button on the toolbar to display the records for the entities where an extended property is specified along with the value.