Background for Academic Records General Settings
Before you begin to configure Academic Records general settings, you should be familiar with the following:
Enrollment Number Format
You can control the format for enrollment numbers. Anthology Student can automatically assign a unique enrollment number to each new enrollment. The enrollment number is assigned at the time the student enrolls in a program version. If a student enrolls in two program versions, the student will have a different enrollment number for each program.
Use the format in the information box to form your own enrollment number format by entering them in the text box. The format is:
YY - low order two digits of the year in the current system date
MM - month digits in the current system date
DD - day digits in the current system date
- # - digit in a sequential number assigned by Anthology Student to each student enrollment. Include at least 3 digits in this portion of the enrollment identifier.
Example: Your sequential numbers have reached 12,784, and you have #### as this portion of the format. The enrollment number will show 2784.
L - letter in the student's last name
Example: You include LL as part of your student ID format. A student whose last name is Smith would have SM in the enrollment number.
- F - letter in the student's first name
Example: You include FF as part of your student ID format. A student whose first name is John would have JO in the enrollment number.
Student Registration
You can select how to limit student course registration to enrollment campus. If you select the values in the field:
Yes, only courses offered at the student's campus are displayed
No, the previous logic listing all courses offered within the defined campus group is used
Yes & Use CRSG (Course Registration Sharing Groups), course sections are shared with other campuses giving students additional options to register for course sections that may be filled at their home campus. The sponsoring campus owns the course and determines which campuses to share that course section. Students at these campuses can then register into these course sections at either campus. Any campus with CRSG enabled will be available to any other campus (provided the user has access rights to both campuses). To prevent sharing course sections with other campuses, select No
The CRSG feature works concurrently with the course cross-referenced option, where students take courses at the same campus or a different campus with a different course number, using this course to fulfill the degree requirements.