Student Payment Statements

You can use the Student Payment Statements page to generate periodic batches of Student Accounts receivable or payment statements. You can also use the page to print the generated payment statements.

The Student Payment Statements process retrieves scheduled payments from the Payment Schedule of the student based on the selected criteria and presents the Amount Due based on the total number of scheduled payments due. The process also provides the option to display the Overall Student Balance (total balance for all enrollments) of the student or only the Current Enrollment Balance.

You can then use the page to review all the batches that have been processed.


You must have:

  • Common - Processes - View authorization

  • Student Accounts – Processes – Student Payment Statements authorization

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Student Accounts > select Student Payment Statements.

Procedure to Create the Batch and Review Results

Process Tab

Use the Process tab to filter the data and queue the batch job.

  1. Specify the Selection Criteria to filter the records. The fields that are displayed will vary depending on the selected Type value.

    Balance SourceClosed The source of the student’s account balance that is displayed on the student payment statement. The options are overall student balance or current enrollment balance.

    CampusClosed Select the campus to generate student payment statements. You will see only campuses which you have access. This field is enabled only if statement type is Batch.

    Closing DateClosed Cutoff date that is used to gather payments from student’s payment plans to be included in the statement.

    Exclude Auto-Draft StudentsClosed Specifies whether or not you want to exclude payment plans that are configured for auto-draft.

    ID to PrintClosed Identification number that you want to be included in the subsidiary statement. The options are Student number, Enrollment number, and None.

    Program VersionsClosed Choose program versions to filter student population by program version. Only students who enrolled in the selected program versions will have statements generated.

    ShiftsClosed The shift that the student will attend classes (such as day or evenings). Only student who are associated with the selected shifts will have statements generated.

    Start DateClosed Student's Program Version Start Date. From and To

    Student Closed Select a specific to generate statement for that student only. This field visible only if the statement Type is Student.

    Student StatusesClosed Select student statuses as a criterion to filter student population for statements generation. Only students who are in the selected statuses will have statements generated.

    TypeClosed Indicates whether you want to generate a statement for a batch or an individual student.

  2. Under Print Options, select the items that you want to include in the statement.

    Account BalanceClosed Indicates whether or not you want to show student’s account balance on the statement.

    Enrollment InformationClosed Indicates whether or not you want to show enrollment information on the statement.

    Interest BalanceClosed Indicates whether or not you want to show payment plans’ interest balance on the statement.

    Payment CouponClosed Indicates whether or not you want to show a Payment Coupon on the statement.

    Principal BalanceClosed Indicates whether or not you want to show payment plans’ principal balance on the statement.

    Truth-In-Lending StatementClosed Indicates whether or not you want to include the Truth-In-Lending statement in the payment statement. The statement associated with the Truth in Lending Act in Title I of the Consumer Credit Protection Act. This act requires clear disclosure of key terms of the lending arrangement and all costs. For institutions, these regulations do not apply to lenders of student loans. Disclosure must be made of the following credit terms: Finance Charge, Annual Percentage Rate, Amount Financed, and Total of Payments.

  3. Specify the Note.

  4. Select the Next button. Anthology Student processes the selection criteria and expands the Results grid.

  5. Review the values in the Results grid.

    Account BalanceClosed The student's current account balance.

    Program VersionClosed The student's program version.

    Start DateClosed Student's Program Version Start Date.

    StudentClosed The last and first name of the student.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.

    Student StatusClosed The student’s school status.

  6. Select the Queue Statement button.

  7. On the Queue Batch dialog, review or change the name of the batch and select the Queue button.

Anthology Student processes the batch to generate payment statements.

When the batch completes, Anthology Student displays the results on the History tab.

History Tab

For batches that you created to generate payment statements, you can use the History tab to review the status of all the batches, review the results of specific batches, and manage the batches.

Batches on this tab are available for 28 days by default. Anthology Student removes them after 28 days. If you need to keep the information for a batch, use the Export (Export button) button on the toolbar.

  1. Review the values in the Batches grid.

    CampusClosed The campus associated with the hangfire batch.

    CancelledClosed Shows the date and time when the batch was canceled. Blank if the batch was not canceled.

    Closing DateClosed The end date for billing.

    DurationClosed The duration of the background job (hours minutes seconds).

    File PathClosed File path for the generated statement file.

    IdClosed The ID assigned to the hangfire job.

    Last RetryClosed Indicates the details of the last attempt made to retry batch processing.

    NameClosed The descriptive name of the hangfire batch.

    Number of RecordsClosed The number of records in the batch.

    StartedClosed The start time of the background job.

    StatusClosed A status of Preparing indicates that the jobs in the batch are still being created or are waiting on the system resources required to create them. Started indicates that the batch has been started. (At least one job in the batch is Enqueued, Processing, Succeeded, or Deleted.) Succeeded indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and ALL job states are Succeeded. Completed indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and some jobs may be at Succeeded state, but at least one of the jobs is at a Deleted state. Awaiting indicates the batch is awaiting the completion of a dependent job or batch. Deleted indicates that the batch has been canceled.

    Submitted ByClosed The name of the staff member who submitted the background job or batch for processing.

    TypeClosed Indicates whether the process was for a single student or for a batch of students.

  2. Select the name of the batch in the list. Anthology Student displays the details for the job in the Job Results grid.

  3. Review the values in the Results grid.

    Account BalanceClosed The student’s account a balance at the time when the statement is generated.

    File PathClosed The file path.

    Job CreatedClosed The date and time when the job was added to the background job queue.

    Job StartedClosed The date and time when the job was pulled from the queue and started executing. The Started time for a job will be the same time or later than the started time for the batch.

    Job StatusClosed The status of the job. Enqueued indicates the job is in the queue waiting to be executed. Scheduled indicates the job is scheduled to run at a future time. Processing indicates the job is running. Succeeded indicates the job was completed with no errors. Deleted indicates the job was completed with errors.

    Program VersionsClosed The program version associated with the student.

    Start DateClosed Student's Program Version Start Date.

    StudentClosed The last and first name of the student.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.

    Student StatusClosed The student’s school status.

  4. To print statements for the selected batch, select the Print Statement button.

    Anthology Student will download the PDF file for the batch. You can open the PDF file to print the student payment statements for all students in the batch or for students of your choice.