Create a Batch of Hold/Release Disbursements for CommonLine

You can use the Approve Disbursements to Pay page to create a Hold/Release Change Transaction file that you can then export to CommonLine using the CommonLine V4 Export page (Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select CommonLine V4 Export. ).


You must have:

  • Common - Processes - View authorization

  • Financial Aid – Processes – Approve Disbursements To Pay – New Batch authorization

Your user ID must be configured so that you are allowed to create or regenerate a CommonLine Hold/Release file.

Your institution must have configured the path for CommonLine export and import files for the campus.

At least one disbursement in the batch must have been approved.

You should be familiar with the Background for Approve Disbursements to Pay.

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select Approve Disbursements to Pay.

Procedure to Create the Batch of Disbursements

For the selection criteria, you must select a value for Fund Source or Lender. You can also select both.

  1. Select the Process tab.
  1. Specify the Selection Criteria to filter the records. The fields will depend on the type of fund you select in the Fund Type list.

    Award Year Closed The financial aid award year.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    Disbursement DateClosed The date on which the disbursement is to be paid. For grants and Perkins loans, it must be before the end of the award year and academic year. For Direct loans, the date can be changed to a date outside both the loan period and academic year dates for non-term program versions. From and To

    Enforce Batch IntegrityClosed Select the check box if you want to create sub batches of disbursements. For example, select the check box if you want to post approved disbursements to Student Accounts as a separate batch, but need to keep track of the original parent disbursement batch. When batch integrity is enforced, Anthology Student maintains a record of the initial contents of disbursement batches created from importing a Global payment (C2PA) file. This functionality is also available for manually created disbursement batches. The record of the initial contents of disbursement batches is separate from the record of the posting batch number assigned to the disbursements posted to student ledger cards. If you select the check box, you should also lock the batch job.

    Exclude Released CL DisbursementsClosed When selected, excludes CommonLine disbursements that have been released.

    FA Hold GroupClosed If Yes was selected for Override FA Hold Group, specifies the name of one or more hold groups.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of the fund. They are configured by your institution. Anthology Student automatically selects all of the fund sources with disbursements for the type you selected in the Fund Type list. If there is only one fund source for the type, it is selected by default. If there is more than one fund source for a type, the default is to approve all fund sources of that type. A fund source must be active. For fund sources configured with the type of Other Outside Resources, the list only contains the fund sources that were also configured to reduce the remaining balance to schedule.

    Fund TypeClosed The type selected for the fund source when it was configured. When you select a value, Anthology Student automatically selects all of the fund sources of that type in the Fund Source list.

    Include originated grants or loans onlyClosed When selected, specifies that only disbursements for grants or loans that have been originated with statuses you select will be approved. The check box is displayed only for Pell grants and Direct loans.

    Informed BorrowerClosed When you select this check box, the system gathers disbursements for Direct Loan awards (Direct Sub, Direct Unsub, Direct PLUS, Direct Grad PLUS) where the student has Informed Borrower data saved in the system for award year 2021-2022 or higher. If this check box is cleared, Informed Borrower details for Direct Loans are not referenced when the system determines which disbursements to include in the batch.

    Last NameClosed The last name of the student or person. From and To

    LenderClosed The name of the lender. Lenders are configured by your institution.

    Override FA Hold GroupClosed If your user ID has been configured so that it allows you to override a Financial Aid hold group and approve disbursements, the list is displayed. If you select the names of the groups in the FA Hold Group list, you can approve disbursements for students in those groups. Anthology Student overrides the hold, but still evaluates the disbursement against the other disbursement approval criteria. FA Holds apply to Title IV and non-Title IV funds.

    Status CategoryClosed The category for the status. It can include more than one student status. They are defined by the system and selected for the student statuses configured by your institution.

    Subsequent DisbClosed If your institution has configured multiple disbursements, indicates a subsequent disbursement.

  2. Select the Next button.

  1. Review the list of students.

    AmountClosed The amount of the disbursement. If you are adding disbursements using Anthology Student, the total of the amounts should equal the amount of the award.

    Approval StatusClosed The approval status for the disbursement. If it is approved, it displays Approved. If it was not approved, it displays either View or Failed. Click the link to display the reason why it was not approved. For View, review the information at the top of the dialog. For Failed, review the reasons under DAC Failure Reasons. If there are missing documents, the number of documents is shown. Click the 'i' icon next to the number to display the names of the documents. If the disbursement approval criteria are not configured to check for missing documents, it displays the number of award year specific documents that are not approved, but does not prevent the disbursement from being approved. If the disbursement approval criteria are configured to check for missing documents and some are missing, it will not be approved.

    Course CodeClosed If the fund source is configured to associate a course with payments, displays the name of the course selected when the payment was made. If a term is also displayed in the Term column, then the course is for that term.

    Date CertifiedClosed The date the loan was certified.

    Disbursement DateClosed The date the disbursement was paid.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Invoice Number Closed If there was an invoice, the number on the invoice.

    Payment PeriodClosed The payment period for the disbursement. The column is only displayed if the program version for the student has an academic calendar that uses non-standard terms or clock hours or credit hours without terms that have been configured to use payment periods.

    Student Closed The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can select the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.

    Student StatusClosed Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.

    TermClosed Available terms with start and end dates for each term.

  1. Work with the batch to prepare it for export. For example, review, approve, and post disbursements.

  2. When the batch is ready, select the Create Hold/Release button.

You can also work with the batch later. All unposted batches can be accessed on the Unposted Batches tab.

If there are disbursements that cannot be released, Anthology Student displays a message and you can review the reason in the Common Line Reason column on the right.