Background for National Do Not Call
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires telemarketers and institutions who call clients or students to honor the request of prospects and customers not to call their homes. Specific rules determine when it is lawful to call a prospect or a person with an existing business relationship. Failure to adhere to these rules can result in fines.
The National Do Not Call (DNC) Registry is available for purchase in its entirety, by state, or by area code. The list contains phone numbers that have been registered with the FTC by consumers as restricted.
For information about:
National Do Not Call, see
Registering a phone number, see
Downloading the phone lists, see
Features for National DNC
Using Anthology Student, you can:
Look up phone numbers for students to see if they can called
Automatically mask the phone numbers for students that cannot be called (such as phone number, work phone, or other secondary phone numbers)
Student that you cannot call can be contacted using other methods (such as letter and emails).
How Anthology Student Determines Which Students Can Be Called
Anthology Student flags a phone number for a student as do not call if their phone number is on the DNC Registry and they do not have a Student Profile in the Anthology Student database or they do and they:
Do not have a DNC override document in their Document folder
Graduated, dropped, or enrolled and never attended over 18 months ago and have no balance with your institution
Are a prospect with a lead date that is over 90 days old
For students on the list who are in the Anthology Student database, Anthology Student also masks their phone numbers. You cannot call these students.
You can call a students who is not on the list. You can also call a student on the list if the student:
Is active or enrolled
Graduated, dropped, or enrolled and never attended but has a balance with your institution
Graduated, dropped, or enrolled and never attended and the last voice contact with the student was less than 18 months ago
Is a prospect with a lead date less than 90 days old
- Has a DNC override document in their Documents folder
Students with phone numbers listed on the DNC list, but who permit phone calls from the institution, require an override to comply with FTC rules. When you update the Anthology Student database after an import, if the phone number is also on file for the defined override document, the phone number is restored and displayed as a number that can be called.
Anthology Student masks restricted phone numbers in:
Fields (such as the phone number on the Student Profile and the Related Addresses list)
Reports (such as Admissions reports)
Importing the File for the National Do Not Call Registry Phone List
To use the National DNC features in Anthology Student, you must import the file for the National DNC Registry and then update the Anthology Student database. You can import a:
Complete file
Change file
The data in the file uses one of these formats.
A comma-delimited flat text file. A complete file contains one 3-digit area code and 7-digit telephone number per line, separated by a comma, with a carriage return at the end of each line. A change file has several data items per record, separated by commas.
An XML tagged file. It contains data and markers or tags with information in angle brackets that indicate the nature of the data.
Where the Imported Data is Stored
When you import the file, Anthology Student creates a C2000_DNC database on the same system as your Anthology Student database. You must have a minimum of 1.5 GB of space on the server for the database. Consult your Database Administrator for information regarding the available space and requirements. If you do not plan to import the entire list, the C2000_DNC database can be created with a smaller file. If the space is not available, the database is not created and the data is not imported.
The database contains the syNationalDNC table with a single column for the phone number. The table is the reference for matching student phone numbers to be compliant with the FTC requirements.