Message tab
Assigned To The person assigned or sent the item task (such as task, document, or message). For a new task, the default is your user ID. If you have permission in the policy, the names of other staff members are displayed.
Date sent The date when the item was sent.
Due Date The date when the item is due (such as task, document, or message). For a new task, the default is today.
If you are specifying the value, specify the value in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select the calendar button to select the date.
From The descriptive name from whom the message was sent.
The body of the message. It includes any predefined text or fields configured by your organization for the type of task and can be edited.
Student The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can select the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.
Student Number If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.
Subject The description of the task. If you are specifying the description, the default is the value that you selected for the Task. The value can be modified.
Students tab
Campus The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.
High School Grad Year The high school graduation year of the student.
Interest The program group that the student is interested in. Program groups classify program versions that have some common characteristic and are configured by your institution. The interest determines that program related documents and required tests that are added to the student profile.
Name The descriptive name of the item.
Phone The phone number of the student, person, or agency.
Postal Code The postal code for the address. If you are specifying an address, you must specify a value for City or State. If you specify a city or state or both, the list contains the valid zip codes.
Program The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.
Prospect Date The date when the prospective student contacted the institution.
Prospect Source The source of the prospect specified on the Student Profile or inquiry. The values are configured by your institution and they indicate how a student heard about your institution. If you are specifying the value, the program displays a dialog that you can use to select more than one prospect source, vendor, or sub vendors.
State If within the United States, the name of the state.
Student Number If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.
Student Status Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.
Time Zone The admissions time zone. Time Zone corresponds to Region in Anthology Student. The field is only displayed if your institution has configured zone assignments.
Zone If zones are configured for your institution, the zone. Zones are calculated using the direct line distance between the ZIP code of each campus and the ZIP code of the student's address. Your institution can also configure options specific to a foreign country (outside of the ZIP code system).