Allow Dup SSNs Specifies how you want Anthology Student to handle the same Social Security Numbers (SSNs). If you select No Duplicates in Database, there cannot be more than one Student Profile with an SSN. If you select No Duplicates in Campus, there can be more than one Student Profile with an SSN in the database, but only one for a campus. If you select Yes, you can create more than one Student Profile with the same SSN in the database and there can be more than one for a campus.
Allow Duplicate Student Selection Select the option to allow the user to select prospects found during the duplicate check that belong to campuses to which the user has no access.
Allow Dynamic Groups Select Yes if you want staff members to be able to create dynamic groups. Dynamic groups use views to create the list of students. If you select Yes, you can also specify how often the student groups are refreshed on the Dynamic Groups tab. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Staff.)
Allow Employer Global Search Select Yes if you want to let staff members search across all campuses in the system for employers. If you select Yes, Anthology Student searches all campuses when staff members use the search in the command bar to search for employers. Select No to limit their search to their authorized campuses.
Allow Fresh Start Exclusion Based on the extension of the student loan payment pause announced by the U.S administration in 2022, the Department of Education allows all borrowers with paused loans to receive a “fresh start” on their repayment by eliminating the impact of delinquency and default. As a result of this change, the ISIR Import process has been updated so that students with ISIRs having Comment/C-Codes related to a student loan default status are not added to the C-Code Hold Group. Comment codes related to student default are 124, 132, 134, 135, and 136. This change is not for a specific award year.
A registry key (“Fresh Start Exclusion”) has been added so that this logic can be turned off if the Department of Education announces that the exclusion has ended and is no longer in effect. The registry key default value = OFF.
Select "Yes" for "Allow Fresh Start Exclusion" if you want to allow all borrowers with paused loans to receive a Fresh Start Exclusion. The default is "No".
Allow Global Search Select Yes if you want to let staff members search across all campuses in the system for students. If you select Yes, Anthology Student searches all campuses when staff members use the search in the command bar to search for students. Select No to limit their search to their authorized campuses.
Allow New Employer Groups from Reports If you want staff members to be able to create new employer groups from report output, select the type of report. Manual indicates you can only update the employers in the group by manually adding or removing them. Static indicates you can rerun the report to update the employers or manually add and remove them. If you do not want staff members to create employer groups from reports, select No.
Allow New Student Groups from Reports If you want staff members to be able to create new student groups from report output, select the type of report. Manual indicates you can only update the students in the group by manually adding or removing them. Static indicates you can rerun the report to update the students or manually add and remove them. If you do not want staff members to create student groups from reports, select No.
Allow use of Verification Status E Select this option if you want to prevent students with an imported ISIR for the 2021-22 award year with a verification category of V1 from being added to a hold group. Upon ISIR import, the verification status will be set to "E - Selected, Qualified Exclusion". The verification status of "S" is reported in Pell origination and disbursement records of the COD Common Record for the 2021-2022 award year when a student's system verification status is set to “E”.
Authentication Mode Displays the method used to authenticate users. For information about the modes or to configure the mode, see the Administration and Configuration Guide on (logon required).
Automated User If you are using Financial Aid Automation (FAA), select the check box to specify that the staff member is the automated user. You can only specify one staff member. The staff member must be active, unlocked, must have a password that does not expire, and All Campuses selected must be selected for Campus Group. The automated user can then be selected from the drop-down list to resolve Exception Processing Auto Resolve Type III exceptions. Anthology Student assigns all exceptions that are auto resolved by the pool to the Automated User except for the original exception that was resolved.
Default Campus for Global/Advanced Search Specifies whether the default campus selected when staff members use Global/Advanced Search is their default campus or All Campuses. If you select Default Campus for Staff Member, the default campus displayed when a staff member accesses the search is the default campus they selected during log in. If you select All Campuses, the default displayed when a staff member accesses search is All Campuses. Selecting All Campuses can affect the performance of search. Before searching, staff members will still have the option to change it from the default value.
Default Merge Field to Address Student in Email Specifies the default merge field that Anthology Student uses to address a student in an email template. The options are First Name, Preferred Name, and Nick Name. If you select Preferred Name or Nick Name and Anthology Student does not find a Preferred or Nickname in the Student Profile, it will use their First Name.
CampusVue Finance Location If Anthology Student is integrated with CampusVue Finance, HR & Payroll, specify the location of the executable.
Company Name Enter the corporate, company, institution, or campus name that you want Anthology Student to use at the bottom of the predefined reports.
Custom Reports Specify the path to the folder your institution uses to store custom reports designed for or by your institution. When a user selects a report, Anthology Student checks this folder for a report file with the appropriate name (for example, a customized transcript). If the program does not find such a report in your custom reports folder, it checks the system reports folder.
Delegation User Group Specify the name of the staff group that contains the staff members that you want to create and manage delegation relationships using the Delegate Staff Group Management feature for Financial Aid Automation (FAA). Staff members in the group can create delegation relationships for all staff members and will not be restricted to delegating within their own staff group. Staff members authorized to view the Delegate Staff Group Management page, but who are not System Administrators or a member of the group can only edit existing delegation relationships.
Display Summary Tiles By default, the home page does not display the Summary tiles (e.g., Total Prospects, Total Active Students). If desired, you can change this setting from No to Yes.
Duplicate Name/Phone If you select Yes, Anthology Student checks for duplicate entry of prospects immediately after you enter a prospect name and phone number. If you select No, Anthology Student waits until you save the prospect entry to check for duplicates.
Dynamic Group Frequency When dynamic groups are in use (see Allow Dynamic Groups setting on this page), you can specify the default update frequency for dynamic groups. The frequency values are Bi-Weekly, Daily, Hourly, Monthly, and Weekly. The default setting is Hourly.
EDE Archiving Frequency Specifies how often files stored in the EDE path that you specified should be archived into subdirectories. Options are Never, Daily, Weekly (default), and Monthly.
Employer Groups By Campus Select Yes if you want Anthology Student to include only employers from the staff members authorized campuses in employer groups. To include the employers from all campuses, select No.
Enter EDE Path If you are using Regulatory or Financial Aid Automation, specify the path for files. If you are not using the Cloud, specify a UNC-compliant path. For example, \\<computer name>\<shared directory>\. If you are using the Cloud, specify <drive>:\<foldername>\. In most cases, the drive is Q. If you are using the Q drive and did not create the folder in Q, Anthology Student creates it for you. If you do not know your drive or folder, contact Client Services.
The path you specify here must be different from the EDE Path you specified for ISIR import for the campuses (Select the Settings tile > locate System in the tree > select Campuses> select the name of an existing campus on the list or click the New button, specify the required information, and save the campus > select the Financial Aid tile > ISIR tab.)
Export to Excel Timeout in Seconds Enter the Timeout Value in seconds (0-900) for all the SSRS Export to Excel.
FAA Determine R2T4 Withdrawal Select this setting to determine withdrawal based on July 2021 R2T4 guidelines. When this setting is disabled, all students within a group that is associated with a Refund Calculation Job are included for the refund calculation. For more details, see the “Automated Refund Calculation Review” topic.
FAA Repackage Queue Clear Due Days This setting determines the number of days to wait for clearing the repackage queue. The allowed range is 1 to 999.
FAA Validate Direct Loan Attendance The setting ensures that schools package only the required Direct Loan amount to students who meet their Cost of Attendance for that loan period. Any amount that exceeds the loan Cost of Attendance will generate an exception so that users will be notified about the overawarding.
ISIR - Admissions Representative Select an admissions representative to be assigned to prospects entered from imported ISIRs. If ISIR - Create Prospect from ISIR is set to Yes, this admissions representative is entered in the new Student Profile.
ISIR - Create Prospect from ISIR If you select Yes, Anthology Student creates a new prospect/student profile for any ISIR imported by Anthology Student that does not match an existing student record.
ISIR - Prospect Campus Select a prospect campus to be assigned to prospects entered from imported ISIRs.
If ISIR - Create Prospect from ISIR is set to Yes, this prospect campus is entered in the new Student Profile.
ISIR - Prospect Source Select a prospect source to be assigned to prospects entered from imported ISIRs.
If ISIR - Create Prospect from ISIR is set to Yes, this prospect source is entered in the new Student Profile.
Letter Path Specify the path you want to use to save and retrieve letters. If you are not using the Cloud, specify a UNC-compliant path. For example, \\<computer name>\<shared directory>\. If you are using the Cloud, specify <drive>:\<foldername>\. In most cases, the drive is Q. If you do not know your drive or folder name, contact Client Services.
In those locations, Anthology Student also creates any sub folders it needs to organize the letters.
Lock ISIR being paid on for Awards Prior to Regulatory 14.3, the system updated the ISIR being paid on when a new ISIR was imported even if the student had been awarded aid using an ISIR previously received. In Regulatory 14.3 and later, you can choose whether the system updates the ISIR being paid on when a new ISIR is imported by selecting one of the following options:
• Never (preserves existing functionality)
• Once Aid is Awarded
• Once Aid is Exported to COD (Batched)
Logoff After Password Change? Select Yes if you want the staff member to be prompted to log off and log back in after they change their password. Otherwise, select No.
Noel Levitz/Inst. Rating Field The name of the school defined field that contains the institutional rating for Noel Levitz integration.
No ISIR V Group reapplied to Hold When you have completed the verification process and an ISIR is designated as Accurate, Anthology Student recognizes any subsequent ISIR with the same Verification Group as also being Accurate if all the verifiable data elements are exactly the same as the ISIR that has already been successfully verified. You do not need to verify the ISIR again when it has the same data that’s been verified already, and the student is not added to the ISIR Verification Hold Group again. The default for this setting is Yes/True (SyRegistry Regkey='NoVGroupReappliedHold').
No SAR C-Codes reapplied to Hold When a C-Code has already been resolved (i.e., the student was removed from the C-Code Hold Group), Anthology Student recognizes that the new ISIR contains an already resolved C-Code and will not add the student to the C-Code Hold Group again. Set this option to Yes/True if you want to suppress same SAR C-Codes from being reapplied to a Hold Group. The default for this setting is No/False. Create a C-Code Hold Group and apply it to the campus under System > Campuses > select the campus > Financial Aid (tile) > ISIR (tab) and select the hold group in the “C” Code Group field.
Root File Share for the Web App Specify the path you want to use for all the generated and other non-financial aid related imported and exported files. For example, the location you want to use for invoices, student statements, and National Do Not Call. If you are not using the Cloud, specify a UNC-compliant path. For example, \\<computer name>\<shared directory>\. If you are using the Cloud, the field is not displayed. Anthology Student automatically uses your location in the cloud. In those locations, Anthology Student creates any sub folders needed by specific features.
Student Groups By Campus Select Yes if you want Anthology Student to include only students from the staff members authorized campuses in student groups. To include the students from all campuses, select No.
Student ID Displays the number that will be used in the student ID for the next new student or prospect added to Anthology Student. The ID assigned to the student in the Anthology Student database. While your institution can assign student numbers in a format that they choose, this ID is associated with a student in the database. It is displayed at the end of the URL when you are working with a student in the Student Web App and can also be used to search and locate students.
Student Number Format If you selected Use Student ID Format in the Student Number Generation list, enter the student number format. The formats available for the string are: YY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day, ####=Next Number, L=Last Name, F=First Name.
Student Number Generation Select the required option for your institution's student number generation. The options are:
- Sequential Number: Anthology Student maintains a sequential number which is assigned to each new prospect when it is entered. This number is never duplicated and can be used as a unique ID for a student. You can then specify the starting number in the Student ID field.
- Use Student ID Format: The format string for student ID is: YY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day, ####=Next Number, L=Last Name, F=First Name.
- Do not generate: Institution keeps track of student IDs manually. Anthology Student does not allow a duplicate ID to be assigned to a student.
Tests - Admissions Representative Select the admissions representative to create all new prospects from the test import. Tests - Admissions Representative should belong to the campus configured under Tests - Prospect Campus.
Tests - Create Prospect from Test If you select Yes, the Import Test Scores process creates new prospects for unmatched records. If you select No (default), the unmatched records will be left unmatched.
Tests - Prospect Campus Select the campus in which you want to create your new prospect test records. If a student test record does not have a school code defined, this setting uses the campus code defined here as the default campus to create a new prospect record.
Tests - Prospect Source Select the prospect source option you want to define for all new prospects being created from the test import.
Tests - Prospect Type Select the prospect type you want to define for all new prospects being created from the test import.
Use Data Dictionary for Form Labels Select Yes to use the legacy data dictionary configuration for form labels. To modify the labels, go to the data dictionary in the legacy interface of Anthology Student and change those labels.
Select No to use only internationalization resources (if configured). To customize English and Spanish labels, download the PO file, modify the label text, and upload the modified PO file in the standard interface of Anthology Student.
When you change this General setting option, allow for some time to review the changes and then clear the cache.
Note: The UI labels in the Anthology Student Help are based on the labels provided in the system default English internationalization configuration file.
Use Toolbar Icon Folder Enter the path to the folder that contains the items staff members can select when customizing their toolbar.