Fund Source Security
You can use the Fund Source Security page to allow staff members access to fund sources to post, add, edit, delete, and approve awards. To limit the users who can approve or post aid from certain fund sources, those users must first be isolated in a discrete staff group that can be selected from the drop-down list.
Fund Source Security accommodates Financial Aid related activities that occur in Student Accounts. Distinct permissions can be set up for user access to create and process awards, create and process refunds, create and process stipends, and edit payees for particular fund sources. These types of security limitations may be required by an organization's internal compliance department or through implementing the separation of duties mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). This provides fund source level security for awards, refunds, stipends, and payments.
Review the training (Anthology Academy registration and login required):
- Managing Fund Source Security (5 min.)
You must have:
To view, Financial Aid - Settings - View authorization
To add or edit, Financial Aid - Settings - Manage authorization
A staff member cannot perform an action for a fund source transaction unless the staff group to which the staff member belongs has been granted permission for that action for the fund.
Access Method
Select the Settings tile > expand Financial Aid > select Fund Source Security.
Procedure to Configure Fund Source Security
Select Yes to Designate Access by Fund Source
Specify the following values. The fields displayed depend on the value selected in the "Designate Access by Fund Source" field.
Select appropriate security permissions for each fund source for the selected staff group. You can select the Simple or Advanced option based on your institution's requirements. The Advanced option provides more granular configuration options.
Type of Fund Source Security Fund Sources Permissions available Simple Awards Add, Approve, Delete, Edit, Full, View Paid Refunds/Stipends Delete/Void, Edit, Full, Post Payments Schedule Refunds/Stipends Delete, Edit, Full, Schedule Advanced Awards Add, Approve, Edit, Delete, Full, View Paid Refunds Delete, Edit, Full, Post, Void Paid Stipends Payments Schedule Refunds Delete, Edit, Edit Payee, Full, Schedule Schedule Stipends -
To copy the configuration to another staff group, click the Copy Settings to Staff Group button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays the Copy Settings to Staff Group dialog.
Specify the following values and click the Copy button.
From Staff Group
To Staff Group
Click Save to save the changes.