Update Disbursement Information
You can use the Update Disbursement Information page to display a list of disbursements for a student or gather a list of disbursements using other criteria and then update the information for those disbursements. For example, you can update the award years, disbursement status, disbursement date, and payment periods (if the disbursement is associated with a payment period or loan payment period).
You can change:
The values for individual disbursements
The disbursement dates and statuses for all the disbursements in the list
If a disbursement has a status of Paid and has transaction information, there is a transaction on the student ledger. The changes you make here are not linked to the student ledger. For example:
If you change the status of a Paid disbursement with a transaction on the student ledger to another status, you must first void or delete the payment on the student ledger.
Due to Origination Changes that were rejected and/or accepted, the Net Amounts on Paid Disbursements are incorrect for a student. In this case, you should void the payment on the student's ledger card (see Void Transactions). This will set the disbursement to a status of Scheduled. The scheduled amount can then be changed and posted again at the correct amount. When it is posted, an adjustment may appear on the Disbursements at COD section of the award, which you can delete to prevent it from exporting.
If you change the disbursement status from Scheduled to Paid, a transaction is not added to the student ledger. You must first use the Link Payment to Scheduled Disbursement page to manually link a payment to the scheduled disbursement.
Review the training (Anthology Academy registration and login required):
- Update Disbursement Information (3 min.)
You must have:
Common - Processes - View authorization
Financial Aid - Processes - Update Disbursement Information authorization
Access Method
Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select Update Disbursement Information.
Procedure to Update the Information
The table shows the conditions that make a payment period required. All the conditions must be met for a payment period to be required.
Type | Conditions That Make a Payment Period Required |
Loan payment period |
• The fund source is not cash or configured to be Other. • The disbursement is associated with a loan period. |
Payment period |
• The fund source is not cash or configured to be Other. • The status of the disbursement is Ready to Pay or Scheduled. • The program version uses payment periods. • Payment periods are specified for the academic year. |
If a disbursement has a payment period, specify a disbursement date within the payment period.
Specify the filter criteria for the disbursements. The additional filters you can specify will depend on the value you select for Type.
Type of Disbursement Value to Select for Type Filters You Can Specify For a specific student
For one or more in an award year or fund source
Award Year/Fund Source
For one or more in a batch of disbursements
Disbursement Batch
Click the Apply Filters button. Anthology Student displays all the disbursements that meet the criteria.
Review the disbursements. You can change the values in the highlighted cells.
Take the appropriate action.
Task Actions to Take Change the values for individual disbursements 1. You can change the values in the highlighted cells.
Change the disbursement dates and statuses for all the disbursements in the list 1. If there are disbursements records you do not want to update in the list, select the records and click the Remove button on the toolbar.
2. Click the Update All Dates & Statuses button on the toolbar.
3. In the dialog, specify the following values.
◦ Date
4. Click the Update All button.
If you change a date or the academic year, Anthology Student updates related dates automatically. For example, if you change the disbursement date, the academic year, payment period, and loan payment period dates are updated to be accurate for the date specified. Anthology Student also marks the top, left corner of the changed cells with a red change mark.
Click the Save button on the toolbar.
Anthology Student:
Saves the changes and removes the change marks from the changed cells
If you removed records, redisplays the records you removed
Updates the disbursement information in other locations in the system other than the student ledger
For example, if the disbursement had a status of Paid and you changed it to Scheduled, Anthology Student:
Removes the disbursement from the Received Disb and Refunds/Stipends tab on the Awards tab (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the Awarding tile > Awards tab.)
Changes it back to Scheduled
Adds it to the Scheduled Disbursements section on the Awards tab
Note: When your institution uses a financial aid servicer (e.g., Global) to process financial aid, the budget, awards, disbursements, etc. are added by the servicer integration process. Many fields that would be created when aid is added by a user through Anthology Student are not populated when the servicer files are imported. Therefore, when you try to update the imported disbursement status through Anthology Student, you may receive validation errors upon trying to save. To bypass the validation logic, you can update the disbursement status using Update Disbursement Information process.