Review Completed Student Funding Batches

Once you have imported student-specific funding data on the Process tab of the Automated Student Fund Management (SFM) page, reviewed the batches on the Open Batches tab, completed the records, and submitted the batch for processing, you can use the History tab to review the status of completed batches. The batches on the History tab reflect data student-specific funding records that were migrated from the SFM staging table to the main SFM table.

By default, the History tab loads the batches for the last 7 days. You can update the date range to list historical batches in the grid.


You must have:

  • Common - Processes - View authorization

  • Financial Aid Automation - Processes - Automated Student Fund Management - Delete, Edit, New, and View authorization

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select Automated Student Fund Management.

Procedure to Review Completed Student Funding Batches

  1. Select the History tab.

  2. Specify values in the Start Date and End Date fields to filter the batch records in the grid.

  3. Click the Apply Filters button.

  4. Review the values in the Batches grid.

    Date AddedClosed The date when the item or person was added or the status change was entered.

    DurationClosed The duration of the background job (hours minutes seconds).

    NameClosed The name or description of the batch.

    StartedClosed The date and time when the first job within the batch started executing.

    StatusClosed A status of Preparing indicates that the jobs in the batch are still being created or are waiting on the system resources required to create them. Started indicates that the batch has been started. (At least one job in the batch is Enqueued, Processing, Succeeded, or Deleted.) Succeeded indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and ALL job states are Succeeded. Completed indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and some jobs may be at Succeeded state, but at least one of the jobs is at a Deleted state. Awaiting indicates the batch is awaiting the completion of a dependent job or batch. Deleted indicates that the batch has been canceled.

    Submitted ByClosed The name of the staff member who submitted the batch for processing.

  5. Click the refresh icon (Refresh button) in the footer of the grid to retrieve the current status of the background jobs.

    Note: There is no Retry batch button on this grid. The batch retry will happen internally. If the batch fails (for example due to network issues or if the SQL server cannot be reached), all the records will be rolled back and the batch will be in Open status on the Open Batches tab.

  6. For a batch job with a status of Succeeded, click the link in the Name column to review the records contained in the batch.

    The system will display the Job Results grid.

  7. Review the values in the Job Results grid. These records have been pushed to the main table.

    Academic YearClosed The academic year configured by your institution.

    AgencyClosed Select an Agency value from the drop-down list.

    Agency BranchClosed Select an Agency Branch value from the drop-down list.

    Allow StipendClosed Select Yes or No to indicate whether stipends are allowed.

    Award All Transaction CodesClosed Select Yes or No to indicate whether all transaction codes are to be awarded.

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    CampusClosed The campus where the student is enrolled.

    Date ImportedClosed The date and time when the batch job succeeded.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Duplicate IndicatorClosed Indicate whether the record is a duplicate of another record.

    Effective DateClosed Select the effective date.

    Fund Source CodeClosed Abbreviation/code for the Fund Source.

    Fund Source DescriptionClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Fund Source TypeClosed Specific classification for the fund source.

    Funding TypeClosed The funding type options are Institutional Charges and Cost of Attendance.

    Imported ByClosed The name of the staff member who submitted the background job or batch for processing.

    Limit AmountClosed The award limit amount. The field is editable only when ‘Award All Transaction Codes’ is set to Yes.

    Limit PercentageClosed The award limit percentage. The field is editable only when ‘Award All Transaction Codes’ is set to Yes.

    Maximum AmountClosed Specify a maximum transaction amount.

    Maximum Amount TypeClosed Select a value for the Maximum Amount Type, for example, Lifetime or Award Year.

    Maximum Credit HoursClosed Specify the maximum credit hours. This field is not editable if Max Amount Type is selected as Award Year.

    Maximum Paid Credit LimitClosed Specify the maximum paid credit limit. This field is not editable if Max Amount Type is selected as Award Year.

    Minimum Credit LoadClosed The minimum credits for the program version.

    Minimum Credit HoursClosed Specify the minimum credit hours. This field is not editable if Max Amount Type is selected as Award Year.

    Override/OverriddenClosed Indicates whether a duplicate record was overridden. The Override field is enabled only when an information icon for duplicates is displayed.

    Payment PeriodsClosed The payment period associated with the enrollment. Payment periods only apply to program versions configured with an academic year.

    PriorityClosed A numerical value that indicates the awarding priority. The field is editable only when ‘Award All Transaction Codes’ is set to Yes.

    Program Version CodeClosed Code configured in the system for that program version.

    Re-AwardClosed Select a value from the drop-down list, for example, Do No Re-Award, Re-Award at Previous Award Level, or Re-Award Same Amount.

    StudentClosed The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can click the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number or your institution can use some other method for assigning it.

    Term CodeClosed The code for the term.

    Transaction CategoryClosed Select the transaction category from the drop-down list, for example, Books, Fees, Tuition, Room, Board, Travel, Other, and Personal.

  8. The batches on the History tab contain records that can be retrieved using the Search tab of the Automated Student Fund Management form. See Add or Edit Student Funding.