View/Modify 1098-T Details

After you have selected a 1098-T batch on the Selection Criteria tab and accessed the Student Review tab by clicking View All Students or View Individuals (see Manage Batches), you can use the View/Modify Details functionality to review or modify details of a student's 1098-T transactions.

  • In an unlocked batch, you can update the transactions that were previously selected using the Cleanup Tool. You can include or exclude transactions on the student's 1098-T for current year totals as well as Previous Year Adjustment totals, Edit/Restore Calculated Amounts, and save updates to Boxes 7, 8, or 9.

  • In a locked batch, you can review the transaction details, but cannot save any changes.


You must have the following authorization:

  • Common - Processes - View

  • Regulatory 1098T - Processes - Manage Batches - Manage Batch Data

  • Regulatory 1098T – Processes – Beginning Balance – Beginning Balance Data

You should also be familiar with Box 1 Calculations.

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand IRS 1098-T > select Manage Batches.

Procedure to View/Modify 1098-T Details

  1. On the Selection Criteria tab of the Manage Batches form, select a batch.

  2. Decide whether you want to work in Batch mode or Individuals mode.

    • In Batch mode, click View All Students in the grid toolbar. You are navigated to the Student Review tab with a grid listing all students in the batch.

    • In Individuals mode, click View Individuals in the grid toolbar. You are navigated to the Student Review tab with an empty grid. Click Add Student in the grid toolbar and find the student you want to work with.

  3. Select a record in the Student Review Batch grid.

  4. Click the applicable button in the grid toolbar.

    • If the batch is locked, click View Details. The data will be read-only.

    • If the batch is unlocked, click Modify Details. The Edit / Restore Calculated Amounts toggle button will be enabled.

    The Student Review Batch grid is collapsed. The heading of the Details section displays the Student Name and ID. The text below the heading indicates the following as applicable:

    "Student manually added"
    "Calculated amounts for this student were edited manually"
    "Exempt student automatically added"

    The Details section displays multiple transaction grids and totals for each grid. The data depends on whether Box 1 or Box 2 reporting is used and whether external collections apply.

    Amounts Billed

    Include 1098TClosed The Include 1098T column identifies transactions to be included in the 1098-T based on the fund source code setup in Anthology Student. You can update these selections to comply with the 1098-T reporting guidelines for the current tax year. 

    Previous YearClosed The Previous Year column identifies Title IV refund transactions made in the current tax reporting year that are associated with a single payment made in a previous year.

    Transaction NumberClosed The transaction number as it appears on the student's ledger card.

    Transaction CodeClosed The Fund Source or Transaction Code associated with the transaction.

    AmountClosed The reported amount in dollars. Negative amounts (refunds) are enclosed in parentheses ().

    ReferenceClosed The transaction reference.

    Transaction DateClosed The date when the transaction record was posted.

    TermClosed The code for the term.

    Total Previous Year Charges Adjustment

    Current Year Charges

    Beginning Balance (displayed only if a value is available)

    Unpaid Charges from Previous Years


    Amounts Paid

    Include 1098TClosed The Include 1098T column identifies transactions to be included in the 1098-T based on the fund source code setup in Anthology Student. You can update these selections to comply with the 1098-T reporting guidelines for the current tax year. 

    Previous YearClosed The Previous Year column identifies Title IV refund transactions made in the current tax reporting year that are associated with a single payment made in a previous year.

    Exclude Box 4Closed The Exclude Box 4 column indicates whether a student transaction should be excluded from Box 4 in the 1098-T calculations. This column can be modified only by institutions that used Box 1 reporting in the previous year or earlier. 

    Transaction NumberClosed The transaction number as it appears on the student's ledger card.

    Fund Source CodeClosed The Fund Source or Transaction Code associated with the transaction.

    AmountClosed The reported amount in dollars. Negative amounts (refunds) are enclosed in parentheses ().

    ReferenceClosed The transaction reference.

    Transaction DateClosed The date when the transaction record was posted.

    TermClosed The code for the term.

    TypeClosed The type of transaction. D indicates a disbursement. R indicates a refund. S indicates a stipend.

    Previous Year Scholarships Adjustment (Box 6)

    Current Year Scholarships (Box 5)


    External Collection Payments

    Transaction NumberClosed The transaction number as it appears on the student's ledger card.

    AmountClosed The reported amount in dollars. Negative amounts (refunds) are enclosed in parentheses ().

    ReferenceClosed The transaction reference.

    Transaction DateClosed The date when the transaction record was posted.

    DescriptionClosed Text that describes the item.

    Total External Collection Payments


    Other Payments

    Previous YearClosed The Previous Year column identifies Title IV refund transactions made in the current tax reporting year that are associated with a single payment made in a previous year.

    Exclude Box 4Closed The Exclude Box 4 column indicates whether a student transaction should be excluded from Box 4 in the 1098-T calculations. This column can be modified only by institutions that used Box 1 reporting in the previous year or earlier. 

    Transaction NumberClosed The transaction number as it appears on the student's ledger card.

    Fund Source CodeClosed The Fund Source or Transaction Code associated with the transaction.

    AmountClosed The reported amount in dollars. Negative amounts (refunds) are enclosed in parentheses ().

    ReferenceClosed The transaction reference.

    Transaction DateClosed The date when the transaction record was posted.

    TermClosed The code for the term.

    Total Previous Year Other Payments Adjustment *

    *This field contains only previous year adjustments for payments such as Cash Payments or Loan Payments. It does not include Scholarship amounts.

    Previous Year Scholarships/Payments Adjustment (Box 4)

    Total Scholarships and Other Payments

    Payments Received for Tuition and Related Expenses (Box 1)


    Boxes to be checked in the 1098-T

    Box 7: Amount in Box 1/2 includes amounts for an academic period beginning January - March of the following year

    Box 8: At least half time student

    Box 9: Graduate student

    • The logic used in processing Boxes 7, 8, and 9 does not reevaluate students that are already in the batch on subsequent runs. Only the new students that are added will be evaluated for Boxes 7, 8, and 9 on subsequent runs. This is by design so that if users manually override these boxes, the manual changes will not get overwritten during subsequent gathering and reevaluation.

    • The 1098-T Process will not automatically select Box 7 if a new transaction is gathered; Box 7 will not be cleared if the transaction that caused it to be selected is removed.

    • To ensure accurate reporting for Box 9, the logic uses Degree Level as configured in Anthology Student. If Degree Levels are not configured, the 1098-T Process cannot determine if a student was pursuing a Graduate level degree during the tax year.

      The possible values for Degree Level are:

      • Undergraduate (1)
      • Graduate (2)
      • Professional (4)
      • Certificate (8)
    • Based on the Degree Values configured in Anthology Student, the logic of the 1098-T Processing Utility is as follows:

      • Find all the Enrollments from all the current year’s records.
      • Find all the Program Versions from the above Enrollments.
      • Find all the Degree Levels in those Program Versions.
      • If at least one Degree Level is Graduate (2) or Professional (4), Box 9 will be selected.
      • If any of the Degree Levels are null or Undergraduate (1) or Certificate (8), Box 9 will be cleared.
  5. Click Edit Calculated Amounts if you need to change the total amounts for Amounts Paid, Amounts Billed, or Scholarships. The following message is displayed.

    Use this utility only when the correct amounts to be reported on the 1098-T cannot be obtained by the Cleanup Tool or by including/excluding transactions used to calculated the amounts reported on the student's 1098-T. All changes will be audited.

    Editable fields are displayed below the transaction grids.

    If the amounts were previously manually updated, you can revert to the calculated amounts by clicking Restore Calculated Amounts. The following message is displayed.

    The student no longer meets the criteria for remaining in the batch after removing manually edited values for this student's 1098-T amount fields and restoring the amounts to values calculated by the system. The student's Payment, Billing, and Scholarship transactions no longer fulfill requirements for membership in the batch.

    You may:
    - Remove the student from this 1098-T batch.
    - Keep the student in the batch with the restored calculated amounts determined by the system.
    - Cancel the Restore Calculated Amounts operation and keep the student in the batch with the previous amount values.

    You can also select or clear check boxes in the grids to change specific settings. Note that the total amounts shown below the grid will change.

    Select Remove, Don't Remove, or Cancel as appropriate.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, click the Save button

    • Close, click the Save & Close button

  1. To access the 1098-T details for a different student:

    1. Click Collapse icon to expand the Student Review Batch grid.

    2. Select a student record.

    3. If the batch is locked, click View Details. If the batch is unlocked, click Modify Details.

  2. Click Cancel to close the Details section.

Box 4 Correction When Box 1 Has a Negative Amount

Perform the following steps to correct the Box 4 value when a student's 1098-T has a negative amount in Box 1.

  1. Select the Processes tile > expand IRS 1098-T > select Manage Batches in the tree.

  2. On the Selection Criteria tab of the Manage Batches form, select the batch and click the View Individuals button.

  3. Click the Add Student button in the grid toolbar.

  4. In the Select Student dialog, search for the affected student by name or select the student in the grid.

  5. Click the Modify Details button in the grid toolbar.

  6. Click Edit Calculated Amounts button.

  7. Manually enter the correct amount in the Previous Year Scholarships/Payments Adjustment (Box 4) field.

  8. Save the record.