Credits Apply Order

You can use the Credits Apply Order page to configure a hierarchy of rules of how credits or payments are applied. You can configure:

  • Whether to apply the credit to a transaction code or to a debit transaction with outstanding balance or balance forward
  • The credits apply order for credits originating from credits/waivers that are associated with transaction codes

  • The basis for which the credits can be applied, such as Enrollment, Payment Period, Previous Payment Period, Student

Each hierarchy is a set of rules for a particular transaction code. If there is no credits apply order configured for a transaction code, the default credits apply order for the campus is used.

  • The credit source order and credits from credit sources with highest priority (lowest order number) are considered first regardless of when the credit transaction was posted.

  • Credits that have been voided are applied to the corresponding VOID (debit) transaction.

  • Credits (disbursements) from fund sources that have been refunded through Refunds/Stipends (debit) are applied to the corresponding refunds/stipends for that fund source first.

  • Credits that are associated with a specific course section to debit or transactions of the same course section are considered first.

  • Credit sources with the same priority are applied based on First-In-First-Out order.


You must have Student Accounts – Configuration - Manage authorization.

You must set Allow Credit Source Order for the campus to Yes to configure credit source order and to copy the credit apply order to other campuses. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Campuses > select the name of an existing campus in the list, or click the New button, specify the required information, and Save the campus > select the Student Accounts tile.)

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > expand Student Accounts > select Credits Apply Order.

Procedure to Edit Credits Apply Order

  1. Select the CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column..

  2. Click the Apply Filters button. Anthology Student enables the grid appropriate for the selected values and displays all credit sources associated with the campus.

  3. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    ActiveClosed Indicates whether the fund sources or transaction codes are active.

    Credit SourceClosed Indicates fund sources or credits or waivers for credits associated with transaction codes. This is a non editable field.

    CodeClosed Indicates the code of transaction code or fund source. This is a read-only field.

    NameClosed Indicates the name or description of the fund source or transaction code. You must click the credit source’s name to configure the apply order for that credit source. The apply order for a credit source dictates the order in which the credit of that credit source will be applied to debit transactions and the scope or basis for which the credits can be applied. The available basis include: Enrollment, Payment Period, Previous Payment Periods, Student.

    Fund Source TypeClosed Indicates the fund source types for fund sources. For transaction codes, it displays N/A for transaction codes.

    OrderClosed Indicates the order or priority of each credit source. This field is editable except for the Default for Campus credit source. The Default for Campus credit source will always have the lowest priority of 99999. Credit sources can have the same order number. Credit source Order column is only visible when Allow Credit Source Order option for the campus under settings is set to Yes for the campus.

    Title IVClosed Indicates whether the fund source is a Title IV fund source. For transaction codes, it displays N/A.

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. If you want to continue to copy the configuration to other campuses, click the Copy to Campuses button. Anthology Student displays the select campus dialog box. Select the campus and click the Copy button.

  6. Take appropriate action if you want to apply credit order.

    Click the name in the list. Anthology Student displays the Credit Apply Order grid.

    Action Steps to follow

    Add a credit apply order

    1.  Click the Add button on the toolbar. Anthology Student adds/inserts a new row in the grid.

    2.  Review, specify, or change the following values.

    Apply OrderClosed Assign the priority levels in the hierarchy to indicate how the credit should be applied to a transaction code or to the remaining balance forward. Example: To set up the hierarchy for the credit to pay for Transaction Codes for Tuition first, Books second, and Administration Fees third, and the remainder to be on the basis of Balance Forward, you would set the Apply Order of Transaction Code for Tuition = 1, Books = 2, Administration Fee = 3, and Balance Forward = 4.

    Apply ToClosed Select one of the following options: • Transaction Code - Select this option to set up the payment apply hierarchy on the basis of transaction codes. • Balance Forward - Select this option to set up the payment apply hierarchy on the basis of the remaining balance forward.

    BasisClosed Specify the scope (basis) for which the payment of the selected fund source to can be applied. The options are: • Student - All unapplied debit transactions for the student across all enrollments. • Enrollment - All unapplied debit transactions that were posted to the same enrollment as the payment. • Payment Period - All unapplied debit transactions that were posted in the same payment period as the payment. Only transactions within the same enrollment period are evaluated. • Previous Payment Periods - All unapplied debit transactions that were posted prior to the payment period or term of the payment. Only transactions within the same enrollment period are evaluated. This field is editable.

    Debit SortClosed Indicates the option to specify the order in which debit transactions are applied by credit transactions based on either the debit transaction’s due date or the start date of the course section associated with the debit transaction. This option is available only when the Allow Credit Source Order feature is enabled for the campus. Select an option from the drop-down menu. The options are: • Class Start Date - Earlier Start Date First • Class Start Date - Later Start Date First • Transaction Due Date - Earlier Due Date First • Transaction Due Date - Later Due Date First You can configure a mixture of debit sort of Class Start Date and Transaction Due Date within a Credit Apply Order for a credit source. For example, a credit source such as PELL can be configured to apply Pell payments to Tuition charges for classes that started earlier first (Class Start Date – Earlier Start Date First), then apply any remaining Pell payments to any other debit transactions that have earlier transaction due dates first (Transaction Due Date – Earlier Due Date First). While applying credits to debit transactions based on the configured debit sort order, if multiple debit transactions exist with the same class Start Date or Transaction Due Date, debit transactions are applied based on the first-in-first-out order (debit transactions with lower transaction number will be applied first).

    Transaction CodeClosed Select transaction code (for example, Tuition, Books, etc.) to include in the auto-apply payment hierarchy.

    Transaction NameClosed Indicates the name or description of the transaction code selected.

    Delete a credit apply order

    1.  Select the required record.

    2.  Click the Delete button on the toolbar. Anthology Student removes the selected record from the list.

    Copy to apply order to multiple campuses

    1.  Select the name.

    2.  Click the Copy to Campuses button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays the Select Campuses dialog box.

    3.  Select the campuses.

    4.  Click the Copy button. Anthology Student copies the credit apply order of the selected credit source to the same credit source of the selected campuses.

    Copy to credit sources

    1.  Select the name.

    2.  Click the Copy to Credit Sources button on the toolbar. Anthology Student displays the Select Credit Sources dialog box.

    3.  Select the credit sources.

    4.  Click the Copy button. Anthology Student copies the credit apply order of the selected credit sources to the other selected credit sources.

Click Save to save the changes.