Configure FA Information for Program Versions
You can use the Program Versions page to configure the financial aid information for the program versions configured by your Academic Records area.
You must have Financial Aid - Configuration - Manage authorization.
Your Academic Records area must have configured the programs and program versions available at your institution.
The program version you want to work with must be active.
If you will be packaging in the summer, you should be familiar with the Background for Processing for Summer Packaging.
Access Method
Select the Configuration tile > expand Financial Aid > select Program Versions.
Procedure to Configure the FA Information for Program Versions
Select the program version in the grid.
Review the values configured by Academic Records for the program version.
Specify or change the values.
Period of Enrollment Time Frame
Anthology Student enables the fields and tabs appropriate for the values you specified.
Note: The default budget will not be calculated when Automated Awarding is enabled.
Under Academic Year Information, specify or change the following values.
Under Clock to Credit Conversion Information, specify or change the values.
Conversion Rate - As of 07/01/2011
If you want to save and:
Continue making changes, click the Save button
Close, click the Save & Close button
If you specified a value for Total Out of Class Coursework Hours, Anthology Student validates the data and displays a message if the sum of Total Out of Class Coursework Hours from the courses in the course list on the program version does not equal the total hours configured on the Program Version.
Once you have added or edited the information program versions, you can complete any additional tabs appropriate for the program version. For example, you can complete the Term Associations tab for program versions with academic calendars for non-standard and standard terms. Use the tabs at the bottom of the page to configure:
Implications of Editing Specific Fields on the Page
There are implications in editing some of the values on the page. For example:
Any values you specified are not saved.
If you change any of the following values and then save the program version, the Term Association tab is reset.
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Year Type
- Full Academic Year - Credits
- No. of Terms in Academic Year
- Uses Summer
If you change Use Clock to Credit from Yes to No, the:
Academic Years tab is reset
Information on the Optional Payment Period tab should be reviewed, and if needed, revised
If you change any of the following values and then save the program version, the Optional Payment Period tab is reset.
Academic calendar from Credit hours without terms or Clock hours to another calendar
For Credit hours without terms, Payment Methodology from Clock Hr/Credit Hr without/Terms to the other methodology
If you change Payment Periods not Used from:
Yes to No, Anthology Student displays a message asking if you want to change all the fund sources on the Optional Payment Period tab to Do Not Use
No to Yes, Anthology Student displays a message asking if you want to change all the fund sources on the Optional Payment Period tab to Title IV