Fund Source Repackaging Enrollment Range Allocation

By clicking the link in the 'Term Payment Period Enrollment Allocation' column in the Automated Awarding Fund Source Rules form, you can configure specific enrollment ranges for Standard Terms that trigger the adjustment of paid or scheduled disbursements during auto repackaging. These configured enrollment ranges are based on credit hours with an assigned percentage or dollar range for the adjustment of the paid or scheduled disbursements

The default value column value is "Not Configured". Clicking this "Not Configured" value opens a new form, enabling you to configure the values for a Repackaging Enrollment Range Allocation for the fund source. Clicking the "Configured" value allows you to perform edits to an already saved Enrollment Range Allocation for a fund source.

Note: The clickable link is only displayed in the column if auto repackaging functionality is selected in the Auto Repackage column of the Automated Awarding Fund Source Rules form.


You must have:

  • Common - Configuration - View authorization

  • Financial Aid Automation - Configuration - Automated Awarding Fund Source Rules - Calculated Fields - Delete, Edit, New, and View authorization

  • Financial Aid Automation - Configuration - Automated Awarding Fund Source Rules - Conditional Templates - Delete, Edit, New, and View authorization

  • Financial Aid Automation - Configuration - Automated Awarding Fund Source Rules - Edit and View authorization

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > expand Financial Aid > select Automated Awarding Fund Source Rules.

Procedure to Review and Configure Fund Source Repackaging Enrollment Range Allocation

  1. On the Fund Source Rules tab, specify the CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column..

  2. Click the Apply Filters button.

  3. Review the displayed records and the following values in the grid as needed. All fund sources are sorted by Awarding Priority in ascending order starting with priority 1. Fund sources with priority 0 are listed at the bottom of the grid.

    Auto ApproveClosed Select to ensure the record is set to "Approved" status during the auto-packaging process.

    Auto RepackageClosed Select the check box to enable Auto Repackage functionality or clear the check box to disable.

    Award ISIR Students OnlyClosed If you select this check box and there is no valid ISIR on file, the fund source will not be awarded. If there is no valid ISIR on file and the check box is cleared, the fund source (except for Pell and SEOG) will be awarded. Note: This functionality supersedes the configuration in the Campus Information form for Award Students for ISIRs Only.

    Award Limit RulesClosed Informs the user if that specific fund source has at least one rule configured.

    Award Sort LetterClosed Specify a number to sort the award letters.

    Awarding Eligibility RulesClosed Informs the user if the specific fund source has at least one rule configured.

    Awarding PriorityClosed The number representing the awarding order for the fund source.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    Crossover Payment Period by Award Year 2Closed If you select this check box, the Pell/SEOG/TEACH fund source that will be awarded within the payment period that crosses over both the Award Year 1 and Award Year 2 time frame will be awarded with the Award Year 2 value. If this configuration is selected but no Award Year 2 value is present on the student’s academic year form, an exception is displayed.

    Crossover Payment Period Most Beneficial Year-Round PellClosed If you select this check box, the Pell fund source that will be awarded within the payment period that crosses over both Award Year 1 and Award Year 2 time frame will be awarded with the award year with the highest disbursement value. If both award years have the same disbursement value, then the Crossover Payment Period by Award Year 2 configuration will be awarded. If the Crossover Payment Period Most Beneficial Year Round Pell check box is not selected, then the Crossover Payment Period by Award Year 2 configuration will be awarded.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date that the item was over-written with a later version by the student.

    Disbursement Eligibility RulesClosed This informs the user if that specific fund source has at least one rule configured.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Fund Source CodeClosed Abbreviation/code for the Fund Source.

    Fund Source TypeClosed Specific classification for the fund source.

    Lock Fund from Re-AwardingClosed Selecting ensures the financial aid will not be evaluated for re-awarding after the initial auto package process and will be considered locked.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    Repackage ActionClosed Choose which action you wish to occur upon the execution of Auto Repackaging for the fund source.

    Repackage MethodClosed Choose the repackaging method: Default or Simulation.

    Term Payment Period Enrollment AllocationClosed You can use this field to configure Standard Term enrollment ranges based on credit hours with an assigned percentage or dollar range to adjust paid or scheduled disbursements during Auto Repackaging.

    Rounding Disbursements to Whole DollarsClosed If you select this check box, the FSEOG fund source disbursements will be rounded to a whole dollar amount when awarded. So, a $500 award would break down as three disbursements of $167, $167, and $166.

  4. Click the value in the Term Payment Period Enrollment Allocation column and the Term Allocations form opens. Review the displayed values in the grid for existing fund source Enrollment Range Allocations.

    ActiveClosed Whether the Term Payment Period Enrollment Allocation is currently configured to be used or if it is inactive.

    Date AddedClosed The date when the item or person was added or the status change was entered.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    Effective Date TypeClosed Select the type of date the Term Allocation goes into effect: you can choose the Academic Year Start Date, the Enrollment Date, or the actual System Date.

    Effective Start DateClosed The first day that the item is effective or can be used.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    • To edit an existing Enrollment Range Allocation record, click the link in the Effective Start Date column.

    • To create a new Enrollment Range Allocation, click New in the toolbar.

  5. Either the Edit Term Allocation or the New Term Allocation section will open below the Term Allocations grid. Review the following field values and configure (for a new allocation) or edit as necessary.

    ActiveClosed Whether the Term Payment Period Enrollment Allocation is currently configured to be used or if it is inactive.

    Effective Date TypeClosed Select the type of date the Term Allocation goes into effect: you can choose the Academic Year Start Date, the Enrollment Date, or the actual System Date.

    Effective Start DateClosed The first day that the item is effective or can be used.

    Program VersionClosed The normal system default for this field is 'All Program Versions'. Configuring this field enables you to select a specific program version and set it against an enrollment allocation so you can auto package or auto repackage a single fund in multiple ways.

  6. In the presented grid, review the values for the fields below.

    Dollar ValueClosed Select the fund source dollar amount you wish to be awarded for the credit hour range you configured in the row.

    High Credit HourClosed The high end of the credit hour range you wish to select for your term allocation.

    Low Credit HourClosed The low end of the credit hour range you wish to select for your term allocation.

    Percentage ValueClosed Choose the percentage of the fund source award you wish to be awarded for the credit hour range you have configured in that row of the grid.

    • If you are editing an existing Enrollment Range Allocation, edit the field values as necessary.

    • If you are configuring a new Enrollment Range Allocation, configure the fields values in the single row presented and then click Add in the toolbar for each subsequent new row you need to add for the configuration. Be aware that you can only configure a single row at a time before adding a subsequent row.

    The form's grid allows you to add up to 15 rows of distinct enrollment ranges to configure how a fund source is awarded during repackaging, based on either Percentage Value of the fund source award or by Dollar Value.

    Each row added is required to have a percentage or dollar value option selected for that fund source. You can insert a range of numbers (e.g. 0 to 5 for Less Than Halftime, 6 to 8 for Halftime, 9 to 11 for Three Quarter Time, and 12 to 99 for Full-time) for the low and high range of credit hours and you can mix and match percentage value of the award and straight dollar values, as long as the range of credits or clock hours do not overlap. 999 is the highest hour amount you can add.

    Rows can be deleted by selecting the appropriate check box and clicking Delete in the toolbar.

    You can also deactivate a row by selecting the appropriate check box and clicking Deactivate in the toolbar. Any row you deactivate will be removed from the grid. You can review all deactivated rows by clicking the Inactive tab.

  7. If you want to save and:

    • Continue making changes, click the Save button

    • Close, click the Save & Close button

    • Add another item to the list, click the Save & New button

  8. You can also Duplicate or Copy an existing Enrollment Range Allocation.

    • To duplicate an existing Enrollment Range Allocation, select it in the grid and click Duplicate in the toolbar. This takes the configured elements from the selected Enrollment Range Allocation and places them in a brand new configuration. All you need to do is select an Effective Start Date and then you can save this new allocation. All other fields can also be edited if needed before you save this new allocation.

    • To copy an existing Enrollment Range Allocation, select it in the grid and click Copy in the toolbar. A Copy pop-up form appears. In CampusesClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column., select the campus or campuses you wish to copy the Enrollment Range Allocation details to and then select the specific Fund TypeClosed Specific classification for the fund source.. Once you click Apply Filters, the pop-up form's grid is populated with all the fund types in the system for the selected campus(es). Select the check box for all the specific fund source type records you wish to copy the Enrollment Range Allocation details to, and then click Copy.

    Note: If the 'Override Existing' check box is selected in the Copy pop-up form, any currently configured Enrollment Range Allocation already configured for a fund type will be overridden when you click Copy.

    You can only utilize the 'Copy Term Payment Period Enrollment Allocation' functionality for campuses with Automated Process Activation for Auto Repackaging enabled. If a campus does not have that enabled, the campus will not display. When the Applied filter is utilized for campus and fund source type, only fund sources configured on the Automated Fund Source Priority grid with a priority greater than 0 are displayed.

    Any copied allocation used to create a new allocation(s) will be associated to All Program Versions. 'Override Existing' only updates the Low/High Credit Hour and Percentage or Dollar Value fields for existing allocations of the same effective date. The program version field remains as originally configured.