Edit a Housing Lease for a Student

You can use the Housing Lease page to edit a housing lease for a student.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Student Services - Housing Leases - Edit authorization

Your institution must have licensed the Housing features available in Anthology Student. For more information, contact your Client Experience Manager.

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Services > select the Housing Leases tile.

Procedure to Edit Housing Lease

  1. Click a record in the grid.

  2. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    Academic YearClosed The academic year. Academic years are configured by your institution. This field is enabled only when you have selected Academic Year option in the Housing Type field.

    Actual End DateClosed The actual last date that the item is effective or can be used.

    Application NameClosed The name of the housing application.

    Billing TermClosed Available terms for billing with start and end dates for each term. This field is enabled based on the values configured in the Housing Lease Status field.

    Billing Transaction CodeClosed The billing transaction code. This field is enabled based on the values configured in the Housing Lease Status field.

    BuildingClosed The name of the building.

    End DateClosed The last date the item is effective or can be used.

    FrequencyClosed The frequency of the housing lease.

    Housing DatesClosed The date range for housing. This field is enabled only when you have selected Housing Dates options in the Housing Type field.

    Housing Lease StatusClosed The status of the housing lease.

    Housing TypeClosed The type of the housing. The options are Housing Dates, Academic Year or Term.

    Last Print DateClosed The last print date of the lease.

    Lease AmountClosed The amount in dollars for housing lease.

    Program VersionClosed The program version associated with the student or item.

    Room NumberClosed The room number.

    Start DateClosed The first day that the item is effective or can be used.

    Suite NumberClosed The suite number.

    TermClosed Available terms with start and end dates for each term.

    Termination FeeClosed The termination fee.

    Termination Fee Subsidiary CodeClosed Select the termination fee subsidiary code from the list of all subsidiaries associated with the selected transaction code. This field is populated only when the billing transaction code selected for termination fee is associated with single or multiple subsidiaries.

  3. In the Moving Out, review, specify, or change the following values.

    Move Out DateClosed The date when the student will move out from housing.

    Move Out ReasonClosed The reason for the student to move out from housing. The options are Lease Ended, Evicted, Changing Rooms, Medical Reasons and Personal Reasons.

  4. If you have selected Start DateClosed The first day that the item is effective or can be used. in future (The lease start date is not the current date or a past date) and click the New button on the Tasks tab. Anthology Student displays Days Before Task dialog box.

    In the dialog box, review, specify, or change the following value and click the Next button.

    Days Before Start of TaskClosed Specify the number of days before the start of the task.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, click the Save button

    • Close, click the Save & Close button