Generate Reports

The topics in Generate Reports cover how you can generate and view report using Anthology Student.

You can generate reports that compile and contain data from your Student Services module.

Access Reports for Your Module

Location Option to Select

Command bar

Shows the icon for the menu.

Home page

Shows the Report tile on the Home page.

Get Started Topics to Review

The Reports tile displays a tree list. The forms show the data selection criteria. Reports also have similar options.

Before you begin to generate reports, review the basics from the Get Started menu: 

Determine the Report to Select

Type of Information You Want Topic to Use
List for each student's remaining athletic eligibility in years by start date, also those who have exhausted their athletic eligibility Generate Athletics Eligibility in Years Report
Number of male and female athletes in each sport Generate Athletics Equity Report
Generate financial aid information required by an athletic association Generate Athletics Financial Aid Report
List of number of available rooms (of specific capacity) in selected campus buildings on a particular date Generate Available Housing Report
List number of undergraduate students currently registered and/or confirmed with the Office of Disability Services Generate Disability Services Report
Generate housing information, including students requesting housing assistance Generate Housing Assistance Report
Generate housing lease details for an individual student Generate Housing Lease Report
Summary of the housing applicants details, such as the status of their fee and rent deposits, and the lease agreement in a specific time period Generate Housing Requirement Progress Report
List of the new students assigned to the housing facility in a particular campus building Generate New Student Occupants Report
List of the students moving out of a campus building within a specified time period Generate Student Move Out Details Report
List of the students who have applied for housing in a particular campus building within a specified time period Generate Students Requiring Housing Assignment Report
Generate information regarding Veterans Affairs (VA) students Generate Veteran Information Report

Details for Criteria with Include All

Some of the fields display a list that can contain one or more of these options.  

  • Include All

    This is the default option. When you do not specify any criteria, all items are selected. Alternatively, click the magnifying glass icon and select the check box near the column name to include all items in the list.

  • Check boxes for specific criteria

What You Want Displayed in the Report Option to Select in the List (If Available) 
Items that meet the criteria for all the check boxes. Includes items that have no value in the database. Include All
Items that meet the criteria for specific check boxes. One or more check boxes for the specific criteria

For example, if there are check boxes for 25 specific student groups in the Student Group list and you select Include All, the report will be filtered to include the students in the 25 student groups plus the students not in any student group.