Post Attendance

You can use the Attendance page to post daily attendance as a batch for your classes. You can select the term, class section, and date range for which the attendance will be posted.

You can post the exceptions that is the absences and the late entries for the class section, with the assumption that all the other students were present for the full class period. If there are any attendance rules configured for the class section, posting the attendance will result in the student being dropped from the course.

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Posting Attendance for a Class Roster  (2 min.)


You must have:

  • Common - Processes - View authorization

  • To view attendance, Academics – Processes – Post Attendance - View authorization

  • To edit attendance, Academics - Processes – Post Attendance - Edit authorization

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Academic Records > select Attendance in the tree.

Procedure to Post Attendance

  1. Select the following criteria.

    CampusClosed The campus that the term is associated with.

    CourseClosed The code and name identifying the course the student is enrolled in.

    TermClosed Available terms with start and end dates for each term.

    The remaining criteria will depend on whether or not Class Meets at Various Days/TimesClosed Indicates that the class does not have regularly scheduled meeting dates and times. This option allows instructors to create a class schedule for a course section as the class progresses. was selected for the class when it was scheduled. (Select the Class Scheduling tile.)

  2. Specify the remaining criteria.

    Class Meets at Various
    Days/Times Selected?
    Available Selection Criteria

    Attendance DateClosed The date or date range within which you will post the attendance. From and To

    Yes Attendance DateClosed The date or date range within which you will post the attendance.

    LengthClosed The duration of the class meeting.

    TimeClosed The schedule time of the class meeting. This field is used when your class schedule is configured to include Student Specific Meeting Schedule.

  3. Click Apply Filters. The grid displays the students in the Class and the roster for the class, and the days that you can post the attendance.

  4. If needed, review the following information above the grid. For additional information about Attendance Type, see the details below.

    Attendance TypeClosed Specifies the type of attendance. The options are Time Absent – All (default), Time Present - Only, Time Present - All, and None. For any option, you can still enter when a student is present or absent. For additional information about the options, see Details for Attendance Type in this topic.

    Course CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the item by your institution. In most cases, codes must be unique.

    Course Name Closed The name of the course.

    End DateClosed The last day to record the attendance. Attendance for a class section can be recorded for dates that are on or between the start and end dates.

    InstructorClosed The instructor assigned to the course or class section.

    Scheduled MinutesClosed The scheduled minutes for the class section.

    SectionClosed The code and name for the class section.

    Start DateClosed The day to start recording the attendance. Attendance for a class section can be recorded for dates that are on or between the start and end dates.

    Students RegisteredClosed The number of students currently registered in the course.

  5. For the student in the grid, enter the attendance amount for the appropriate date and time.

  6. Click Save to save your attendance entry and post the attendance for the students as a batch.

Additional Actions Available

If you want to freeze the columns in the grid, click the down arrow () in the column header and select the Lock or Unlock option from the drop down list.

Details for Attendance Type

The value specified for Attendance Type when the class section was scheduled determines whether or not you want Anthology Student to enter present or absent for unentered attendance when it performs calculations related to attendance.

For any attendance option, you can still enter when a student is present or absent.

The table shows the options displayed if you selected Minutes for Unit Type when you configured the course.

Attendance Option Selected What You Typically Enter Action Anthology Student Takes for Unentered Attendance How Attendance Is Typically Taken
Time Absent – All (default) When a student is absent Enters present for unentered attendance in the student record. Regularly and only for the scheduled dates the course section meets
Time Present - Only When a student is absent or present Does not enter present or absent for unentered attendance in the student record. Unentered attendance enters 0 for present and absent.
Time Present - All (recommended) When a student is present Enters absent for unentered attendance in the student record.
None When you enter the Last Date of Attendance Does not enter present or absent for unentered attendance in the student record. Updates the Last Date of Attendance. Non-attendance or census based

If you selected Quantity for Unit Type when you configured the course, the options are: 

  • Units Completed

  • None