Add or Edit Books and Supplies for Courses

You can use the Books page to manage books needed by students for class sections

The inventory is related to the courses offered. When you set up a course to be offered at your institution, you can assign text books from the inventory list by creating book lists for the course using the Book Lists tile. (Select the Configuration tile > expand Academic Records > select Courses.)

The book lists are available when scheduling course sections as a method of assigning text books and other course materials to a specific course section. You must enter books and course materials in the inventory list before you can select them for a course.


You must have Academics - Configuration - Manage authorization.

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > locate Academic Records in the tree > select Books.

Procedure to Add or Edit Items

  1. If you want to:

    • Add a list item, click the New button on the toolbar

    • Add a list item by copying and modifying a list item, select the required row in the list and click the Duplicate button on the toolbar

    • Edit a list item, click the item name in the list

  2. Review, specify, or change the following values.

ActiveClosed Specifies whether or not the associated record is active.

AuthorClosed Name of the book authors. Use last name of first author to make search easy.

CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the item by your institution. In most cases, codes must be unique.

Copyright YearClosed Year of copyright for the book.

CostClosed Cost of the item in dollars.

EditionClosed The book edition.

Include Note on Reports & PortalClosed Select the check box to specify that the text in the Note field is to be included in student facing reports and online in Portal.

ISBNClosed The book identifier number.

NameClosed The descriptive name of the item.

NoteClosed Area that displays, or that you can use, to specify comments or additional information.

PriceClosed Sales price of the item in dollars.

Price (Used)Closed Price of the used item.

PublisherClosed Name of the book publisher.

If you want to save and: 

  • Continue making changes, click the Save button

  • Continue to add another item to the list, click the Save & New button

  • Close, click the Save & Close button