Search Using the Command Bar and Advanced Search

You can use the search box in the command bar to search for the following information in the Anthology Student database.

  • Students

    • You can use Simple Search if you have all or part of the student's name.

    • You can use Advanced Search if you have all or part of the student's name and/or other properties for the student (such as their SSN or program and enrollment date. You can also use Advanced Search for students to narrow the scope of your search query with more properties through a large list of records. The combination of up to ten fields and their associated values is used to find students having the same characteristics. Filters are maintained until you select Clear Filters which will clear the values in the Value fields. Filter rows will persist across all sessions until you manually remove them by clicking the X.

      advanced search

  • Addresses

  • Employers

  • Jobs

  • Staff

When you search, Anthology Student displays the Search Results page, where you can filter the list and click the highlighted links to display information about the item. You can also customize the student search results columns to view specific information such as admission representative or email address or program version and so on.

Academy icon   Review the training (Anthology Academy registration and login required):

Search Options  (4 min.)
Advanced Search  (4 min.)


You must have the following authorizations to use each of the following filters:

Search Filter Required Authorization
Address Contact Manager - Student Address - View authorization

Career Services - Configuration - View authorization

Staff System - Settings - Staff - View authorization
Student Common - Student - View authorization

To access search results for students from all campuses, the following must be set to Yes.

  • Allow Global SearchClosed Select Yes if you want to let staff members search across all campuses in the system for students. If you select Yes, Anthology Student searches all campuses when staff members use the search in the command bar to search for students. Select No to limit their search to their authorized campuses. (general setting for Anthology Student)

  • Allow Access to Global Student SearchClosed Select this check box if you want the staff member to be able to use the search in the command bar to search all students in all campuses in the system. If a student belongs to a campus where the staff member is not authorized, the student will show up in the search results, but they will not be able to display their Student Profile. For this option to work for staff members, your institution must also have selected Yes for Allow Global Search on the Settings page. (Select the Settings tile > locate System in the list > select General.) When not selected, Anthology Student limits the search to the authorized staff member campuses. (staff permission)

If either of the above settings is set to No, you can only access the search results for students from your campuses in the student table or see students from your campuses in the student enrollment period table.

To customize the search results columns, the following must be set to Yes:

  • Allow Global SearchClosed Select Yes if you want to let staff members search across all campuses in the system for students. If you select Yes, Anthology Student searches all campuses when staff members use the search in the command bar to search for students. Select No to limit their search to their authorized campuses. (general setting for Anthology Student)

  • Allow Access to Global Student SearchClosed Select this check box if you want the staff member to be able to use the search in the command bar to search all students in all campuses in the system. If a student belongs to a campus where the staff member is not authorized, the student will show up in the search results, but they will not be able to display their Student Profile. For this option to work for staff members, your institution must also have selected Yes for Allow Global Search on the Settings page. (Select the Settings tile > locate System in the list > select General.) When not selected, Anthology Student limits the search to the authorized staff member campuses. (staff permission)

  • Allow User to Customize Search FormClosed If you selected the Allow Access to Global Student Search check box, you can then select this check box to specify that staff members can customize the Search results page displayed using the search in the command bar. (staff permission)

    If this field is set to Yes, you can select the fields you want to view from the search result columns options. If this field is set to No, the search results show the defaults options. By default, last name and first name are selected and cannot be removed. Your institution configured the remaining fields displayed as your defaults.

To access the search results for employers across all campuses in the system, Allow Employer Global SearchClosed Select Yes if you want to let staff members search across all campuses in the system for employers. If you select Yes, Anthology Student searches all campuses when staff members use the search in the command bar to search for employers. Select No to limit their search to their authorized campuses. must be set to Yes (general setting for Anthology Student). If it is set to No, you can only view and access the search results for employers for the campuses that you have access to.

Procedure to Search Students and Use Advanced Search

  1. In the Command bar, select Students.

    search bar black

  2. Take the appropriate action.
    TaskSteps to follow
    Perform a simple search using all or part of the student's name

    You can either:

    • Type name next to Students in the command bar and press enter

    • Specify the name in the Student field and click the magnifying glass

    You can also search with accented letters in the first name or last name of the student.

    You can search students with:

    • Last Name, First Name

    • First Name Last Name

    • Last Name,First Name (without space after comma)

    Search text must not contain any special characters.

    Perform an advanced search using all or part of the student's name and/or other properties you have available for the student (such as their SSN, or program and enrollment date)

    1.  Click the magnifying glass icon. Anthology Student displays the Search Results page with a field for the student and the default campus.

    2.  If you want to: 

    ◦   Change the campus, select the campus in the list

    ◦   Search All Campuses, place your mouse over the field and click the X

    Shows option for deselecting all campuses.

    3.  Expand Advanced Search. Anthology Student displays the default properties.

    4.  If you want to add a property, click the add icon Add search property.

    You can select up to ten properties from the list of properties below.

    Admissions RepClosed The Admissions Representative for the student. If a staff member is removed from an Admissions Representative group after having been assigned to a student, Anthology Student retains the name of the former representative on the student record. This property is populated based on the campus selection. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Area of InterestClosed Indicates the area of interest. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Birth DateClosed The person's date of birth. For this property, the Operator list displays the Equal option only.

    CityClosed Indicates the city. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operators.

    CountryClosed The country of residence. The system checks the student configured against a country. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Current FA Grade LevelClosed The grade level for the student. Grade levels are configured by your institution and do not have to correspond to the option on the FAFSA or Stafford loan forms. For a student to qualify for a Graduate PLUS loan, the grade level must be configured with the Department of Education ID 7 (Graduate/Professional or beyond). This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.l

    Enrollment DateClosed The actual date when the student enrolled in the program version. This property only supports Equals as operator option.

    Enrollment NumberClosed The number assigned during the enrollment based on the parameters specified by the institution. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    First NameClosed The first name of the student or person. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    HonorsClosed The honors and badges awarded to the student during the selected term. For example, Dean's list. This property is populated based on the campus selection. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Last NameClosed The last name of the student or person. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Maiden NameClosed If any, the maiden name of the student or person. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Middle NameClosed The middle name of the student or person. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    NicknameClosed If the student has a substitute for their proper name, the name. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Other E-mailClosed If the student has more than one email address, the secondary email address. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Phone NumberClosed The phone number of the student, person, or agency. The phone number requires to be in the same format as specified earlier. For example, if you have specified the number in this format(XXX)XXX-XXXX, you need to provide the phone number in this specific format to search for it. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Preferred NameClosed The preferred name of the student. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Primary E-mailClosed The email address. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    ProgramClosed The programs that the student is interested in. This property is populated based on the campus selection. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Program VersionClosed The program version associated with the student or item. This property is populated based on the campus selection. Program version is dependent on the program selected. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options. In the search results, a student's record is displayed per program versions if there are multiple enrollments. For example, if a student is enrolled in two different program versions, then in the search result, the student's record appears twice depending on the program versions.

    Prospect SourceClosed The source of the prospect specified on the Student Profile or inquiry. The values are configured by your institution and they indicate how a student heard about your institution. If you are specifying the value, the program displays a dialog that you can use to select more than one prospect source, vendor, or sub vendors. This property is populated based on the campus selection. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    School StatusClosed The code and name of the school statuses. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Social Security NumberClosed The person's Social Security Number (SSN). You must be authorized to work with SSNs. The value against the SSN property requires to be in the same format as specified earlier. For example, if you have specified the SSN in this format XXX-XX-XXXX, you need to provide the SSN in this specific format to search for it. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state. This property supports Equals and Starts With as operator options.

    Street AddressClosed The street address. For student addresses, if an address has more than 40 characters, the additional characters in the address line will not be extracted to be sent to COD, but will be truncated. For this property, the Operator list displays the Starts With option only.

    Student NumberClosed Code associated with the program version.

    StudentIDClosed The ID assigned to the student. For this property, the Operator list displays the Equal option only.

    You can also add all the School Defined FieldsClosed Indicates a list of additional fields your institution wants for Students and Courses. included by your school under System settings as properties. All school defined properties support Equals and Starts With as operator options. For school defined fields properties that were configured with multi-select list, support multiple selection, in the values field you can specify more than one separated with semicolon(;) . The values also have to be in the same order.

    5.  Select the OperatorClosed Indicates the operator. This field changes according to the property..

    6.  Select the ValueClosed Indicate the value based on the property field. This field changes from drop-down to text area according to the property selected..

    7.  Click the Apply Filters button. Anthology Student displays the search results for students in alphabetical order.

    If you want to remove: 

    • A property row, click the remove icon remove search property

    • All the values for the respective properties, click the Clear Filters button or click the remove icon remove filter valueon the Advanced Search filters Applied button.

  3. In the search result grid, review the search results against your search input.

    AddressClosed The address associated with a student.

    Admission RepClosed The Admissions Representative for the student. If a staff member is removed from an Admissions Representative group after having been assigned to a student, Anthology Student retains the name of the former representative on the student record.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which student is assigned.

    E-mail AddressClosed The email address.

    Enroll DateClosed The actual date when the student enrolled in the program version.

    Enrollment NumClosed The number assigned during the enrollment.

    Exp Start DateClosed The date the student is expected to start the enrollment at your institution.

    Lead DateClosed Indicates the date when the lead was created.

    Middle NameClosed The middle name of the student.

    Mobile PhoneClosed The mobile phone number.

    PhoneClosed The phone number of the student. The phone number requires to be in the same format as specified earlier.

    Preferred NameClosed Preferred name of the student.

    ProgramClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Program VersionClosed The program version associated with the student.

    SSNClosed The person's Social Security Number (SSN). You must be authorized to work with SSNs.

    Start DateClosed Displays the program version start date.

    School StatusClosed The associated School Status on the student's enrollment.

    Student IDClosed The ID assigned to the student.

    Student NumberClosed Student number assigned to a student.

    Work PhoneClosed The work telephone number for the student. The format will depend on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether or not it uses parenthesis and hyphens). When a student is placed in a job using student placement, the program automatically updates the number with the phone number for the employer. If it applies, the extension is also updated.

If you want the details for a specific result, click the highlighted name in the list.

Procedure to Search Addresses, Employers, Jobs, and Staff

  1. In the Command bar, select the type of search result from the drop-down list and type in the keyword.

    You can search with any part of the name or full name of the staff.

    You can search employers and staff with:

    • Last Name, First Name

    • First Name Last Name

    • Last Name,First Name (without space after comma)

    Search text must not contain any special characters.

    You can search against the following items:

    Search Filter Search Input

    CityClosed The name of the city.

    CountyClosed The county for the address.

    CountryClosed The country of residence. If you are specifying a country, it defaults to the country for the campus. The country also determines the format of phone numbers. If you change the country, the phone numbers are automatically reformatted to the format for that country.

    First NameClosed The first name of the student or person.

    Last NameClosed The last name of the student or person.

    Phone NumberClosed The phone number of the student, person, or agency.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Street AddressClosed The street address. For student addresses, if an address has more than 40 characters, the additional characters in the address line will not be extracted to be sent to COD but will be truncated.

    Zip Code/Postal CodeClosed The postal code for the address. If you are specifying an address, you must specify a value for City or State. If you specify a city or state or both, the list contains the valid zip codes.


    Employer NamClosed The name of the employer. If you are selecting the employer from a list, it contains the names of all the employers configured for your institution.

    IndustryClosed Indicates the industry the employer belongs to.


    Job TitleClosed The job title.

    Job TypeClosed The type of the job.

    Job CategoriesClosed Indicates the category to which the job belongs.

    Job StatusClosed The status of the job. Enqueued indicates the job is in the queue waiting to be executed. Scheduled indicates the job is scheduled to run at a future time. Processing indicates the job is running. Succeeded indicates the job completed with no errors. Deleted indicates the job completed with errors.

    SkillsClosed Indicates skills.


    First NameClosed The first name of the student or person.

    Last NameClosed The last name of the student or person.

    Lead DateClosed Indicates the date when the lead was created.

    Password ProfileClosed If your institution is using the Anthology Student database as its authentication mode, the name of the password profile that provides basic password functionality (such as password expiration, password reset, and password rules). Password profiles are defined by your institution.

    StaffClosed The last name and first name of the staff member.

    Staff GroupClosed Group containing staff members in an institution. Typically, the groups are based on departments and job functions. Administrators can use staff groups to assign or revoke access privileges to all the members in the staff group.

    Anthology Student displays the search results in alphabetical order.

  2. In the search result grid, review the search results against your search input.

    AddressClosed The address associated with a person or organization. If you change the address for a student, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to save the address before your changes to the Related Addresses list for the student (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Related Addresses tile.). You can also specify the type of address. For example, if your institution has a value of Previous configured for the address type, you can select the value for any previous addresses.

    Admission RepClosed The Admissions Representative for the student. If a staff member is removed from an Admissions Representative group after having been assigned to a student, Anthology Student retains the name of the former representative on the student record.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    E-mail AddressClosed The email address.

    Enroll DateClosed The actual date when the student enrolled in the program version.

    Enrollment NumClosed The number assigned during the enrollment based on the parameters specified by the institution.

    Exp Start DateClosed The date the student is expected to start the enrollment at your institution.

    Lead DateClosed Indicates the date when the lead was created.

    Middle NameClosed The middle name of the student or person.

    Mobile PhoneClosed The mobile phone number.

    PhoneClosed The phone number of the student, person, or agency.

    ProgramClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Program VersionClosed The program version associated with the student or item.

    SSNClosed The person's Social Security Number (SSN). You must be authorized to work with SSNs.

    Start DateClosed Displays the program version start date.

    School StatusClosed The associated School Status on the student's enrollment.

    Student IDClosed The ID assigned to the student.

    Work PhoneClosed The work telephone number for the student, staff, or person. The format will depend on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether or not it uses parenthesis and hyphens). When a student is placed in a job using student placement, the program automatically updates the number with the phone number for the employer. If it applies, the extension is also updated.

If you want the details for a specific result, click the highlighted name in the list.

If you want to further filter the list, select the filter in the left column (such as Created by Me). You can remove the filters by clicking the X.